Faculty Tutors provide instruction and support for students through a number of methods. Some tutors dedicate their teaching to London Classes, a growing number are now leading Online Classes, many teach at Summer School, and nearly all tutors offer guidance through Distance Learning via Email. Tutors for the Faculty reside in nine different countries, and they interact with students globally.

Deborah Morgan
D.F.Astrol.S., B.A. Hons. S.T.A. Cert.
Distance Learning via Email, Online Classes

Frances Clynes
Ph.D, MA, M.Sc., B.Sc., D.F.Astrol.S.
Distance Learning via Email, Online Classes

Lisa Stockley
London Classes, Distance Learning via Email, Online Classes

Toby Aldren
BM, BEd, ARCT, D.F.Astrol.S.
Distance Learning via Email, Online Classes