Our students
Meet our graduates and read their success stories.

Gillian Beighton ~ D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Spring 2024
I spent 7 years studying by Distance Learning with the Faculty since 2017 and passed the final Diploma in June 2024. It has been an incredible journey of discovery and I have absolutely loved every moment!
I had been interested in Astrology for a very long time but apart from having my natal chart done with ‘Cosmopolitan ‘magazine when I was 26 years old, and reading Linda Goodman’s ‘Sun Signs’, I never had the time to take my interest any further. I had always been convinced that there was real value in what astrology had to offer but life and work just got in the way!
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When I retired in 2015 my pace of life slowed and I enrolled on Module 1. I ended up doing all my studies by Distance Learning – partly because of the Covid period, when there was no option. This method suited my learning style too, corresponding regularly with my tutors but also having plenty of time for reflection and practice. I would certainly recommend Distance Learning, which allows plenty of time for reading, understanding and reviewing what’s been covered through the regular exercises. I took the full six months for each module, really enjoying the act of studying as well as the subject (my Gemini Sun and Gemini Mercury in 5th conjunct SN and Mars may have something to do with that!).
When I started my studies, I didn’t have any clear plan of what I would do with my new found knowledge and expertise. I simply wanted to understand more about how astrology worked and to be able to analyse my own chart and those of family and friends who had an interest. The Diploma course was so comprehensive, I found every module fascinating – opening up new perspectives both personally and on the world around me. Case studies, whether about the lives of famous people or the history of nations, really brought the course alive and continually confirmed the ‘as above, so below’ insights that astrology provides. I loved the layering of additional techniques such as harmonics and although the course required a huge amount of work and dedication, I never for a moment felt that it was too demanding or difficult. The rewards of heightened understanding and inspiration were enormous.
I feel a little sad that I will no longer be studying with the Faculty, though of course also very proud to have passed the Diploma. Having gained some experience of chart readings and forecasting with ‘clients’ as part of the course, I am keen to practice consulting on a small scale in the future.

Alice Koh ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
Since I was a child, I’ve been captivated by all things mysterious—astrology, tarot, metaphysics, magic, and beyond. Several unexplained events have deepened my belief that there is something far greater than the material world around us.
In 2021, as transiting Uranus opposed my natal Mercury and transiting Saturn in Aquarius squared both, I began contemplating enrolling in FAS to study astrology in a professional and structured way. The first M1 session began on January 12, 2022, coinciding with the final hit of transiting Saturn over my natal Mercury. Since then, I have experienced pure magic. I began to uncover countless “hows” and “whys,” my life transformed, and everything changed. Astrology has allowed me to see a broader, more expansive perspective, and this gift has brought a profound sense of stability to my life on Earth—something for which I am truly grateful.
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I completed my M9 at Summer School this year, and ever since, I’ve deeply missed the study sessions, the friendships, and the vibrant energy and atmosphere with FAS. Studying astrology is truly a journey of awakening, a path that not only expands my awareness but also, I believe, guides me back to my true self, reconnecting with my soul.
The exam demanded a great deal of effort, discipline, and patience. Surprisingly, I found the process to be quite enjoyable. While it was certainly challenging at times, it was also equally rewarding. The journey of preparing for and completing the exam allowed me to dive deeper into astrology, enhancing my understanding of its principles and intricacies. The certificate holds significant meaning for me, not just as a testament to my hard work but as a symbol of my commitment to this field and my ongoing personal growth.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Lisa Stockley, Stevi Gaydon, Mark Fountain, Dragana Van de Moortel-Ilić, Frances Clynes, and Cat Cox. Each of them has generously devoted their skills, patience, talents, passion, and love to impart this ancient wisdom—astrology—which empowers individuals to understand and master their own potential.

Cristina Rosca ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
I have always been passionate about the mysteries of the universe, yet I didn’t have the opportunity to have my natal chart interpreted until December 2022. Since then, I have dedicated an increasing amount of time to studying and exploring astrology, and what had initially been a curiosity soon became a central focus of my life.
I began by studying a comprehensive astrology treatise by a well-known astrologer. The author mentioned in the preface that his intention in writing this book was to provide readers with something to ponder, a work that would provoke thought. He even rhetorically questioned whether he would succeed. I can confidently say that not only did he succeed, but his book also ignited in me a profound desire to understand the subject’s essence.
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The more I delved into astrology, the clearer it became that to grasp its complexities truly, I needed further guidance. Then came the natural question: which school should I attend to receive the highest quality guidance from professional astrologers?
Seeing my dedication, my husband offered incredible support and encouraged me to pursue professional astrology courses. After conducting thorough research and considering both analytical assessment and intuition, I chose the Faculty that felt like the perfect fit. Now, after having completed part of this journey, I can assuredly confirm that it was indeed the best choice.
During my studies, I was fortunate to learn from extraordinary tutors who are passionate about astrology. After completing the first two modules online, I had the most amazing experience at the Oxford Summer School, where I attended module 3. Filled with confidence and inspired by the tutors, I returned home and applied for the Certificate Exam.
The experience of drawing the chart by hand and calculating each planet’s position felt like pure magic, an intimate connection to the cosmos unfolding before my eyes. Every step in preparing for the exam was rewarding beyond measure, even in moments of doubt.
Astrology has deepened my understanding of myself and the universe, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a distinguished and supportive academic family. Now, as I prepare for Diploma Level 1, I am reminded that this journey is not simply about reaching milestones but about embracing the beauty of continuous discovery.
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Yao Huang~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
With a stellium in the natal 12th house, my life has naturally embraced astrology. Yet it still holds more serious significance to me: at that time, the transiting Pluto was impending over my Ascendent, entering the orb, and my life situation also came to a period of chaos.
Luckily, I met astrology and our Faculty. My intuition told me that studying astrology would be a way to overcome the strong sense of uncertainty. And it is truth that, in learning the archetypal symbols and its psychological energy, I gained a more conscious understanding of who I am, and I saw how I could affirm myself in the cosmic version.
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As Jung once wrote, ‘In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.’ As above, so below, astrology for me is a practice in establishing order in the universe of our heart. While learning to approach this work, I feel the transformative becoming of my inner cosmos.
That’s why I would highly recommend the courses of our Faculty. Whether you are interested in astrology or want to pursue it as a development path, I can definitely assure that the Faculty provides us with high-quality, comprehensive and solid knowledge of astrology. The depth of Faculty’s history and teaching experience also makes those esoteric knowledge very accessible to all of us students, bridging the gap between this ancient wisdom and our contemporary souls.
Having completed the Certificate exam is such an honourable achivement for me. Only when you are actually involved in the exam, you can see just how much dedication and effort, ability and skill the process requires. But it’s an enjoyable process, too, as you would get a sense that all the knowledge we’ve learnt comes together in this moment, then comes alive in front of us, and we get a chance to really feel it within our hands.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest gratitudes to my tutors who have accompanied me along the way. Thank you Mark Fountain, Rosemary Smith, Lisa Stockley, Frances Clynes and Deborah Morgan for your professional, devoted, patient and supportive teaching that has encouraged me to continue on my astrological journey.

Nikoleta Kalaitzaki ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
Having started studying at the Faculty in 2022, was an attempt just out of curiosity. I was eager to find out what the zodiac sign meant. I assumed it was that. Nevertheless, it turned out it wasn’t. Subsequently, I have been introduced to the planets, the houses, the aspects, and numerous other things that are far beyond simply asking, “What is your sign?” It is the recognition of a different function of the world that I used to know until now. All that became difficult, not from the point of view you may think. It became a test within my soul and my character. With contemporary psychological astrology, in my perspective, you should first hug yourself. Then, patiently start syncing with the time of cycles around you. Not only accepting the knowledge you’ve been given, but also submitting to the unknown because you’ll come across both. As far as I’m concerned, Faculty is more than a well-structured educational institution.
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It is the combined efforts of exceptional people that have been able to give you their very best. I feel blessed and happy to have begun studying at the Faculty. Gratitude is the memory of the soul. That’s how I feel. Obtaining the Faculty Certificate is a comprehensive experience that I have benefited from, by utilizing just what they have taught me, not more, not less. Succeeding made me feel respectful, and, concurrently, it developed in me a sense of responsibility towards astrology.

Diana Eccelston ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
An astrology book caught my eye on a bookshelf in a house I was living in on the Island of Madeira nearly 50 years ago. It was the spark that ignited a passion and interest still burning bright. Following this, I dived down all sorts of astrological rabbit holes learning lots of wonderful things but unable to do much with all the information.
I knew I needed to start at the beginning and get a foundation to work from. I then discovered the Faculty of Astrological Studies and completed the certificate course by distance learning which was by post back in 1984. With one small daughter and having my second along the way, I never got round to taking the exam.
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I did charts of friends and family, all by hand back then, and even ran a group for a year working out and exploring charts. I bought and inherited many astrology books from various people which now fill a bookcase of their own. After retiring from a long career in the NHS I decided I would like to finish what I started and take the certificate exam. So, with Sun, Moon, Mars conjunct my MC in Taurus in the 9th, my get there in the end determination has done me proud!
It meant starting the course all over again to get the credits I will need if I manage to reach diploma level. Distance learning still suits me best and after 18 months with a wonderful tutor, we felt I was ready. All the information is easy to navigate with everything on the Faculty website, the coursework is at your fingertips. Redoing the course was an absolute joy, I learned so much more, there were many changes since the 1980’s including Chiron, a new one for me which also changed the chart I knew quite dramatically. I also did many of the seminars along the way plus the 3 month Interpretation practice module which helped a lot before taking the exam.
I plan to enrol on Module 4 sometime in the new year and venture into the world of transits and progressions, new for me and I will hopefully continue to gain the Diploma one day.

Simona Schrammel ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
Since childhood I have been fascinated by synchronistic events such as precognitive dreams and I tried to understand their meaning and our connection to the Universe. My lifelong passion to understand the mysteries of the human mind and the unconscious led me to study psychology and Eastern philosophy and, through another synchronistic event I was prompted to study astrology when transiting Uranus opposed my natal Uranus. After a few months, I discovered the Psychological Astrology and Liz Green’s writings, and I felt that I was on my path. Since then, I studied with the Centre for Psychological Astrology and more recently, looking for a programme to deepen my understanding of this vast and complex subject, I came across the Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS).
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My journey with FAS started in 2022 with the Foundation Course and it has been very rewarding. I appreciate the FAS’ content of the courses, the professionalism of its tutors and the supportive and stimulating environment where I can develop my knowledge and skills along with fellow students. The Certificate exam is not only a good test to put in practice what we learned in the first three modules but it also reveals our commitment to set and to achieve a solid foundation and a high standard in the interpretation of an astrological chart. I have reached Module 6 and I would like to express my gratitude towards the FAS and its staff for providing us with top education in Astrology, making this journey not just possible but very enjoyable and fulfilling.

Phoebe Cai ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
I first learned about astrology through a fortune-telling TV program when I was young. For me, it was like love at first sight. I remember eagerly waiting in front of the TV every night before the show started, and always taking notes while watching. My parents used to joke “If you are willing to study in school like the way that you study astrology, we probably could save a fortune on your tutoring fees!”
My learning experience truly began later in life after reading astrology books. However, as I continued to self-study, I developed a strong desire to pursue a certification through a professional astrology school. After researching several schools, I chose the Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS) because of its long-standing reputation and experienced instructors. Living in the United States, the online class format made it easier for me to both directly-engage with the instructors and to tackle the course material on my own schedule. My classmates and I would share our life stories during classes and connected through our shared passion for astrology. The learning process was effective and fun at the same time!
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The Certificate Exam is challenging and requires a deep understanding of the material covered in the first three modules. I spent a significant amount of time preparing for it, attempting to complete a certain portion of the exam each day. The process was not easy, but I am so happy that I persevered and eventually passed the exam. This test helped me review and gain a comprehensive understanding of what I had learned in FAS. It also significantly improved my skills in natal chart reading.
Through my life experiences, I’ve come to see astrology as a profound tool for self-discovery, self-growth and self-improvement. It offers a deeper understanding of family dynamics and behavioral patterns. It helps me better understand myself and my relationship with others. More importantly, it has healed me and helped me find inner peace and happiness. I hope to share its transformative powers with others who are unfamiliar with it, especially those from different cultures or countries, so that astrology may help them as well. I am currently studying Module 8, and my next goals are to pass both the Intermediate Exam and Advanced Exam in the near future.

Nina Delaney~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2024
Accomplishing the Certificate exam at FAS gave me a great sense of achievement. Despite periodical challenges and frustration the preparation for the exam case study was a time of fascinating observations and intriguing discoveries, including self-discoveries. It brought me a step closer to working effectively with the Natal Chart Interpretation and overwhelming astrological data. Most importantly, passing the exam re-confirmed my desire and readiness to continue on the less travelled road of astrological mastery.

Karla Miranović ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2023
My interest in astrology began in my high school years, once I realized the complexity and depth of this fascinating subject, coming to understand that there is so much more to astrology than the Sun signs that the general public tends to identify astrology with.
In those early years, I developed my knowledge through reading astrology books, magazines, as well as researching the available online sources, blogs and astrology-related YouTube channels.
Throughout my formal education, in school and university, my approach to learning has always been very serious and thorough. Some years after my interest in astrology started developing, I realized that I would like to apply that same approach to my astrological studies as well, which is why I started researching options for getting a formal astrological education.
The Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS) immediately stood out to me, for several important reasons. Its longstanding tradition, good reputation, excellent tutors, and a clear, well-structured curriculum, all led me to choose FAS.
What I especially appreciate about the Faculty is the possibility to study its programme from anywhere in the world. As someone who comes from Montenegro, I benefit from the possibility to study online. I have had very positive experiences with both “distance learning via e-mail” as well as live “online classes” that the faculty offers. While the first significantly contributed to the development of my skills in written astrological analysis, the second brought me the exciting opportunity of dynamic interaction with tutors and fellow students, which in itself constitutes an important learning experience, in addition to the studied material.
I am beyond happy to have completed my Certificate Exam. It represents a substantial piece of work and a very important milestone in my astrological journey.
Completing the exam requires effort and disciple, but also allows a special opportunity to engage with astrology creatively and, for many of us, produce our first in-depth natal chart report.
Being among the younger recipients of the Certificate adds another layer of significance to this achievement. In many ways, the development of my astrological knowledge coincides with the period of active personal development and growth, making this process all the more special.
Having had a very positive experience of the Faculty thus far, it is my goal to continue with my studies. I am currently studying the seventh of the nine modules and look forward to all that is to come, meeting new tutors and fellow students, deepening my knowledge of this wonderful subject and dedicatedly working towards the Faculty Diploma.

Wendy Blume ~ D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Autumn 2023
Astrology has been a constant in my life since the 1980s when I first eyed off my chart, courtesy of my dad’s astrologer secretary. I poured over it, trying to better understand my teenage self. I started into formal study in 2006, but two kids and a career in publishing waylaid me until the Faculty’s course leapt out as a viable and thorough distance learning option that I could fit between work and family.
I’ve loved immersing myself in this course. Over six years I’ve had many eureka moments along with more despairing times when I felt overwhelmed by all that I didn’t know. But the structured course and tutor feedback kept me going. I realise now that you never learn it all and that’s part of the joy – each year of working in astrology builds more personal and professional wisdom.
The course is rigorous and the final exam is a huge amount of work that I initially baulked at. But I decided to commit and I’m so glad I did – the satisfaction of having succeeded is immense. The diploma training has equipped me to be an effective, professional astrologer, which I now do full-time – consulting with clients on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Alison Boulton ~ D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Autumn 2023
I’ve been immersed in Astrology since I was about 8 years old when my mother said that I was a typical Pisces. There were a couple of astrology books on our bookshelf which I instantly read – and then and reread, adding books from the local library when I got a bit older.
In my early twenties I encountered Liz Greene at a Religion versus Astrology ‘debate’ in London and booked myself in for a reading. It was through Dr Greene that I discovered the FAS and signed up for the Foundation course. In those days we had to sit the exams in a hall and on the first sitting I failed the calculation section! That year it was a New Zealand birth place which elicited a generalised groan when everyone turned over their paper. Fortunately I got through the following year and passed the Certificate course in 1987.
At that point, I left London and decided not to continue by correspondence. I kept reading, however, devouring Liz Greene’s books and attending the occasional CPA seminar in Regents Park.
Fast forward many years and Covid caused the FAS classes to go online – just as Uranus was transiting my tenth house Moon. Time to reconnect with the Faculty. I excitedly picked up where I left off and in 2022 took the intermediate exam finally completing the Diploma in 2023, three Jupiter cycles after I passed the Certificate. Needless to say, I’m absolutely delighted and I’m busy building my consultancy practice.

Mark Brafield ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2023
As a child I always had a curiosity about astrology, which, like many of my generation, was only confirmed when I came across a copy of Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. I became fascinated by the uncanny accuracy of her character studies when I read my friends’ Sun signs, expressed in her unique and exuberant style. Her book still earns its place on my shelf beside my ephemeris and a battery of books that take themselves far more seriously.
I thought no more deeply about it, although it meant that I was open-minded when a bohemian girlfriend of mine bought me a professional reading of my horoscope for my thirtieth birthday. I went along with no more than a relaxed curiosity, but for the next two hours I was literally dumbfounded when the astrologer told me things about me that no-one else knew, then things about me that I did not know myself, and finally things about me that no-one else could possibly have known.
That experience stayed with me, although I had no plans to take it further until a few years ago when I was able to leave a demanding full-time career as a solicitor to work part-time. Amongst other things this enabled me to devote more time to my second career as a professional musician, but having always enjoyed studying I was also looking for, perhaps, a Masters or some other qualification to expand my horizons.
A casual internet search one day threw up a number of astrological courses and bells started to ring. The idea of studying astrology gained traction in my mind, although there were a number of considerations I needed to address. One of these was whether astrology was incompatible with a religious faith which has always been important to me. I was reflecting on this one day as I happened to be walking around York Minster and found myself standing in front of an astrological clock. There was my answer; for me, the two are entirely compatible aspects of a unified cosmology and I took that as a clear sign that the path was now open to me. Astrology also drew together other strands which have been woven through my life; a degree in mediaeval literature, an immersion in Jungian thought; and that love of music.
Having looked at a number of courses I chose the Faculty because of its academic rigour, and this was certainly reflected in the Certificate Exam. It is an intensive test which is not to be taken lightly. I took the examination directly after completing the third module, and on balance I am glad I did so. With the benefit of reflection I can see that if I had taken the examination later in my studies I would probably have produced a more mature and nuanced reading of the chart, but the exam forced me to thoroughly revise everything we had learned in the first three modules, and that in itself was an excellent platform from which to continue. I particularly appreciated drawing the chart by hand. Some might consider this an outdated skill but I felt myself powerfully drawn into the world of the symbols and the magical ritual of the chart. I was, naturally, delighted to pass, and the feedback of the examiners was, as always with the Faculty, encouraging and supportive whilst offering rich food for thought as I continue and deepen in my understanding of this entrancing world.

Sue Brayne ~ D.F.Astrol.S ~ Autumn 2023
My journey into studying astrology and the occult started in the mid-eighties after I was involved in a life-threatening accident. I am still astonished that I didn’t die. Obviously, the Universe had other plans for me because the experience catapulted me onto a profound healing journey, which started with going to Taos, New Mexico, for a week-long Warrior’s Wisdom workshop with Stuart Wilde (at the time, Stuart was one of the world leaders of the New Age Movement). The workshop was designed specifically to confront fear, involving toe-curling tests such as firewalking, high ropes challenges, and a vision quest. It was, quite simply, life changing.
I returned to London and signed up to study mediumship and psychic development at the College of Psychic Studies. Soon, I was giving tarot card readings, first to friends, and then to paying clients. This became my main source of income, which involved working at psychic fayres, private parties, and society balls at places like the Dorchester Hotel. I also became the resident tarot reader at a New Age shop in Chiswick. Around this time, I was commissioned by mainstream publishers to write non-fiction books on women’s magic. My research deepened my growing interest in astrology, and I included information in the books about how to use astrological signs and symbols in ritual work. In short, I was immersed in the world of divination and magical practices, and I subsidised a six-month trip round Mexico and Guatemala by giving tarot card readings to fellow travellers.
When I returned from my travels, I moved to Dorset to work at a spiritual centre, where I was fortunate to meet and learn from some of the world’s leading spiritual teachers. They helped me to strengthen my healing journey, and I met and spent time with several highly respected astrologers who inspired me to learn more about myself through astrology.
Life changed again when I decided to do an MA in the Rhetoric and Rituals of Death. This meant embracing the rigours of academic study and becoming neuropsychiatrist Dr Peter Fenwick’s honorary researcher into one of the first studies of end-of-life experiences. In turn the study encouraged me to train and work as a psychotherapist, specialising in trauma, death, and grief. Even though I parked my fascination for the occult during this time, it never left me. My bookshelf swelled with astrological and magical texts, and I would often attend astrology workshops with Aquarius Severn in Cheltenham.
Life continued to flow and ebb until Covid hit. And, I had a pressing realisation that I wanted to consolidate all my knowledge about astrology. I found the Faculty of Astrological Studies online, and, as they say, the rest is history. At first, I thought attaining the certificate was enough. But I now firmly believe that when astrology calls you, there’s no escape. So, four years later of intense learning, and at the grand age of seventy, I am the proud holder of the Diploma with a busy practise specialising in esoteric astrology. Not just that, I have the good fortune to interview master astrologers for the Astrological Journal on a regular basis. When I reflect on this, I realise that training as an astrologer in my latter years has pulled all the threads of my life together, which, for me, is truly magical.
I would say to anyone wanting to learn astrology, ‘Go For It!’ It’s damned hard work, and the learning curve is endless, but astrology takes you deep into yourself and will open doors you never knew existed. The Faculty of Astrology Studies is a great place to start this journey because it will give you an excellent grounding. The exams are tough – there’s no doubt about that – but it’s a great feeling of accomplishment when you pass, and the tutors couldn’t be more caring or supportive.

Rositsa Ivanova ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2023
My first encounter with an astrologer was during a Uranus transit over my 12th house Cancer Sun and, as happens with most people visiting an astrologer for the first time, it was a jaw-dropping experience. There wasn’t any particular reason for that visit. As a person who’s been constantly looking for symbols and omens, I wanted a validation that I was on the right path and had processed all significant events in my life in the most meaningful way. But what I heard from that astrologer was just unbelievable. How could she have possibly known that I had this inborn sense of rhythm and dancing was my way of both self-expression and self-transcendence.
Of course, this was the least important thing I heard at that session, but I was blown away how she nailed such a tiny personal detail. She was able to articulate my most inward experiences, motives, and aspirations and to put my life story in an archetypal perspective. So, there I was, 2 years later at my Uranus opposition, becoming a student of that astrologer, who somebody had called the Bulgarian Liz Greene.
A few years later, I studied psychology at that time, and I can’t remember how exactly, but I came across the FAS webpage and saw an announcement about a Summer School in Oxford. I felt such a strong urge to attend that event, without having the slightest idea where I was going, and I took part in it 3 years in a row before I enrolled as a Faculty’s student. I can hardly find the right words to describe my first experience of participating in the Summer School in Oxford – the unique blending of the most amazing tutors, presenting mind-boggling topics in front of most engaged audience at such loaded with knowledge and ancient wisdom venue – everything was so fascinating and unreal that when I heard Carole Taylor reciting at the Gala dinner my most favorite poem, Wild geese by Mary Oliver, I knew I belonged to that space. Later, already a Faculty’s student in online classes, I was privileged to be taught by other wonderful Faculty tutors like Rosemary and Toby at Foundation course, and Deborah, Frances and Cat at Diploma I course. All of them very skilfully and patiently have guided us in our attempts to articulate chart peculiarities in an archetypal language and have helped us understand Faculty’s strict rules on chart interpretation in terms of using definite and overly specific expressions. I’ve now completed six modules and I plan to continue my education and enroll on the Advanced Exam one day. I know it won’t be easy, as I already know how difficult the Certificate Exam was, but there is so much more to learn along the way that it’s worth it.

Alison Finlay, D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Spring 2023
My astrology journey first began because of my Mum who started going to local astrology classes in Glasgow where I still live. This was back in the day when charts were still being drawn up by hand. I was intrigued by what she was studying and wanted to know more. Working full time did not allow me to go to a daytime class. However, I approached her astrology teacher to ask if she would run an evening class if I could find some interested people to make up the numbers. Somehow that never got off the ground. Although, I did manage to have my chart read and that inspired me to learn more.
Looking around for alternatives, I discovered that my home town of Glasgow ran and still runs an enthusiastic astrology group. I went to all the meetings, not understanding much, but just hoped that by being amongst others interested in astrology that I’d somehow soak it all up.
Then, in 2005, I managed to persuade the group secretary to start classes and that really kickstarted my more formal astrological studies. All this happened, by no coincidence, at a critical point in my life and understanding more about my own chart was hugely empowering. I studied with other reputable teachers, went to workshops by astrologers visiting Glasgow, subscribed to the TMA as well as gradually building my own library of books.
Some ten years later, approaching a significant birthday, I decided to study with the Faculty of Astrological Studies. I knew of the Faculty, by reputation, from my teachers here locally. By this time, I was self-employed and the distance learning route seemed the best solution for me.
I was exited to attend Summer School in Oxford in 2016 where meeting the tutors and students alike was fabulous in the most incredible of settings. I continued the distance learning modules through to Module 6 and had decided thereafter I’d travel to London for the next three modules. Just at that time, the pandemic hit and I was fortunate to be able to do the online classes with other students from around the world. Being in a group with others who were passionate about learning astrology was so captivating.
I’ve learnt so much from my studies with the Faculty. I feel really fortunate to have been able to learn in this way, as I feel it has helped me to honour the craft of the astrologer and to appreciate the importance of continuing the tradition today. The professionalism and dedication of the tutors is empowering and has enabled me to feel more confident about the rigorous training I have received. The discipline of writing the module exercises and exams, culminating with the Diploma in June 2023, has honed my skills and has contributed to me thinking about the language and words I use. As a result, I am more self aware of my role as a practising astrologer, particularly as I enjoy one-to-one client work.

Phillipe Sibaud, D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Spring 2023
Me, an astrologer? I never thought I would utter these words one day. But as has become abundantly clear with the passing years, life works in mysterious ways. I suppose I had always been marginally interested in the subject but never more than as a quirky interest. I remember buying a book on Pisces symbolism (my Sun sign) one full Saturn return ago – not a very good one either. And Liz Greene… yes, some of Liz Greene’s books had landed on my lap all these years ago and for the first time I had felt that I had stumbled on ‘intelligent’ astrology, for want of a better word.
But it took me another twenty years to cross paths with it again. This time (the year was 2012) it was by reading Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas. I was blown away, absolutely taken over and for the first time I seriously considered studying the subject. But really, study astrology? Could I do it? Astrologers still conveyed an aura of mystery, an ability to magically attune to the cosmos. They were a tribe of spiritual wanderers, the depositors of an art inherited from the long forgotten past of humanity – an art, besides, that in no way could be practiced by everyone, let alone by me!
I remember sitting in the cafe near my home, one fine Saturday morning. On the walls were hanging 40 or 50 frames of different subjects, totally unrelated with one another. There I was, sipping my coffee, absent-mindedly pondering whether I should study astrology, when, raising my gaze, my eyes fell on a frame I had never noticed before. It was a black drawing of the universe, with a few stars scattered across the canvas, and in bold characters were written the words : “The future is in the stars”. It took me a few minutes to realise. There was my answer! My future was in the stars!
The rest, as they say, is history. I immediately registered with the Faculty. Why the Faculty? I do not know the answer to that. I think I liked the website, the air of professionalism, the pedigree of the patrons, the history….who knows. All I can say is that it was the perfect place for me. Starting as I was with very little knowledge, I really appreciated its thorough and methodical approach. The building blocks were patiently put in place so that we might move forward with confidence. Yes it is hard work but it is also incredibly rewarding. I had the good fortune of attending the London classes and over the years this meant a deepening connection with my fellow students, from whom I learnt so much. And the tutors of course, all first class, all passionate, all dedicated. I cannot recommend it enough.
So blessings for everyone at the Faculty for creating this gem of a place, a spiritually uplifting container, a sacred grove where members of the tribe may gather and swap stories under the stars!

Carrie Bramen ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2023
Like many in my generation, I first discovered astrology through Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs when I was a young teen. The well-thumbed book sat on a shelf in my mother’s extensive paperback library alongside other bestsellers of the era such as Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Fear of Flying. In the gray world of adolescent angst, Goodman’s book gave me a language to understand myself and to navigate the perplexing social world around me. I even read her cringe-worthy poetry with the same care that others devote to Shakespeare’s sonnets. When I look back at it now, her book gave me an early narrative of self-acceptance: that it was perfectly fine to be bossy, impatient, and opinionated. Perhaps this is why when I later discovered that we shared a birthday, I wasn’t at all surprised.
I had been wanting to develop my astrological skills for many years, so I decided to enroll in the Faculty of Astrological Studies online courses during the height of the pandemic when we were isolated in our homes. The weekly live online classes with students from all over the world provided a much-needed sense of community, and it also made learning more dynamic than listening to pre-recorded lectures. The Faculty also offers a well-structured course of study through a series of carefully designed modules. As a cultural historian currently researching the history of nineteenth-century astrology, I wanted to be able to calculate birth charts by hand using an ephemeris. This is one of the many important skills I learned during the Foundation course.
I am about to begin Module 4 towards the Diploma Level One, and I look forward to learning about transits, progressions, and other tools of timing from the Faculty’s engaging and knowledgeable teachers.

Rendy Fudoh ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2023
At first, I learned astrology through some literature and tutorials before learning at the Faculty. Even though it was ‘back to basics’ at the beginning, the course material gave me a deeper insight into natal astrology – a great way to read and refresh the basics, always finding some new insights along with our own experience in reading astrology charts.
By learning astrology with the Faculty, I also learned a different approach to astrology compared to my own study. The structured curriculum also helped me to understand which part we need to know first in the natal chart, for making a learning process more approachable to astrology students, which also inspires me when I’m teaching astrology in the future.
In the near future, while I’m still enrolled in the Faculty, I’ll also learn astrology with several approaches and branches, including mundane, election, horary, and any other astrology field that interests me. It’s a lifetime learning after all.

Mercedes Simón, D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Autumn 2022
Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by the spiritual realms and how the cosmos relates to humanity. In my youth, I used to read the horoscope columns, which sparked in me the need to understand more about the stars. Driven by this curiosity, I bought all the astrology books that I could find in a very small esoteric shop in Madrid. However, dedicating my life to astrology was not something I imagined possible when, at the age of eighteen, I decided to pursue a career in architecture. Still, my interest in astrology never stopped growing, so I continued to learn about it through the information that I could find in books and on the internet.
In 2009, a few years after graduating as an architect, profound events happened in my life that led me to change my career path and pursue what I finally came to realise was the truest, deepest calling of my soul: the knowledge of spirituality and astrology. I moved to London and enrolled in the Faculty in 2012, amazed by the fact that a school of a such high standard of astrological tuition could exist.
I describe my journey through the Faculty as one of self-discovery, companionship and inner growth, through gradually deepening my knowledge of astrology. Throughout the 9 Modules towards gaining the Diploma, I was honoured to encounter wonderful, supportive and wise tutors, who were wholeheartedly dedicated to the teaching of this art: Penny de Abreu, Polly Wallace, Peta High, Sue Farebrother, Carole Taylor, Darby Costello, Kim Farley and Cat Cox. My deep gratitude goes towards them.
With every Module that I studied at the Faculty, I was amazed by the thoroughness of the material imparted, pertaining to both the theory and practice of Astrology, which included multiple astrological techniques as well as a systematic method of unveiling the symbolism of a natal chart.
As my learning at the Faculty progressed, it became noticeable that this interpretation method truly meant a quantum leap from the extended practice of reading the planetary positions of a chart in a fragmentary way. As opposed to this, through the Faculty’s method, all the chart symbols are integrated and grouped together in “chart themes”, as similar threads appear in different parts of the chart when it is studied in-depth. Also, when applying the various astrological techniques, layers of meaning are added to the chart interpretation, from which profound symbolism emerges. The method and techniques learnt at the Faculty are, in my experience, invaluable tools for practising Astrology.
Other outstanding skills taught at Faculty are the ability to translate the symbolism of a chart into a “common language” that the consultant can understand; the perception of non-verbal communication during a consultation; or the non-judgemental approach to a reading. All these reflect the ethical integrity taught at the Faculty, which highlights the importance of the consultant’s perception and feelings and of creating a meaningful human experience during the consultation.
In my journey of study through the Faculty, I have also encountered moments of hard work and difficulty, as nothing can be truly learned without a certain degree of struggle. Yet, the time, dedication and hard work needed to develop the astrological skills taught at the Faculty were for me counterbalanced by the feeling of expansion in my heart with every bit of knowledge gained. This is something that cannot ever be taken away from my soul and will continue to grow through the never-ending knowledge contained in the art-practice of Astrology.

Irene Stojko ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2022
I have always been fascinated by our relationship with the cosmos, but it wasn’t until I discovered The Faculty that Astrology really came alive for me. The quality of the modules and tutoring provides me with a strong astrological foundation to expand my studies, as I consider astrology to be an ongoing learning experience. There is always more to discover. It has also been a joy to participate in Summer School with the tutors and my fellow students in a warm and welcoming environment, attending great lectures and events. I am grateful to have met so many wonderful people and to have found an astrological home with FAS.

Lynn Legein ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2022
Born November 5, 1988. Having Sun conjunct Pluto in Scorpio always made me think that I came into this life with ‘a needing to dig deeper’ attitude – stronger than anything else. Recalling my childhood, I was curious, ‘full of energy’ , never afraid to explore but at the same time deeply sensitive to my surroundings. Growing up I was pulled into the images and stories I found in the books my father used to own – books about history, religion, philosophy, metaphysics and the occult.
When Covid-19 hit, being forced into the worldwide lockdown. For me it was the universe giving me the much needed time and peace to get really clear about my future. From that moment I realized and decided I wanted to study Astrology, but in a serious manner. I was drawn to the Faculty because it oozed professionalism. Participating in the online classes got the fire in my soul ignited again. And studying with the Faculty is like coming home. Being able to share thoughts with all these lovely people from around the world, nurtured a sense of belonging that I did not felt in a very long time… I am very grateful to participate and learn within this community. The Faculty has a wide range of integer teachers that draw upon their experience.
Astrology makes a human being humble in the first place, learning that we are a part of a living, sacred Universe. For me, we are all connected in some way, originally being ‘star dust’. I believe the planets do affect all things here on earth. And looking at a birth-chart is something very magical to me. I learned to hand draw one like the ancients did. Being pulled into a micro-space where one can connect with gods and energies present at that particular moment of time. I ALWAYS FEEL AT AWE.
Learning this Sacred Language, inspired my to my deepest core. And it gives me a great sense of meaning. There is so much to discover, and the beauty of this study is ever expansive – something we cultivate with time and patience. I would love to deepen my knowledge and understanding, so that one day, I can guide people to shed light on their own unique constellation which is filled with unlimited potential.

Gabriella McDaniel ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2022
I took my first plunge into astrology when I was living in Portland, Oregon, and working at an alternative health clinic. I was introduced to Five Elements Chinese Astrology and enjoyed it so much that I made a big spreadsheet for everyone in the office and we had a fun luncheon looking at the results. When I moved on from that job, they gifted me a natal chart reading and that is when I really got into Western Astrology. I had multiple readings over the next few years and enjoyed the self-reflection process and the confirmation that the readings provided.
I asked my astrologer about quality astrology schools and she directed me to the Faculty. But it wasn’t until the pandemic hit and things seemed so bleak that I actually took the leap into formal astrology studies. I did my first three modules via distance learning during lockdown and while going through my first Saturn Return followed by transiting Pluto conjunct my natal Saturn. It was a time of many changes in my life including moving countries and I am very thankful to have had these classes as an anchor during so much personal change and worldwide chaos.
I took Module 4 in the online format and really enjoyed getting to connect with other astrology students and form study groups to help us continue to hone our skills. I am currently working towards the Diploma Level I and enjoying deepening my knowledge and gaining practice with the skills I already have.
In the past I have used some basic astrology with student groups and women’s leadership clubs. I love getting to hear people reflect about their own habits and see how these impact group dynamics. I look forward to exploring more group dynamics via astrology and seeing how my studies continue to open up new connections for me.

Stefano Stracuzzi, D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Autumn 2022
Astrology changes one’s perception of the world. Once you embark on the astrological journey, the sky becomes an essential part of life, and its unrelenting cycles start living symbolically within the inner landscape. In this idea of cosmological symbiosis, which draws many of us to great institutions such as the Faculty, I find the best way to describe the ideological calling of the stars.
As Bernadette Brady explained in one of her lectures for the MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity St. David, we often engage with the sky either in awe or wonder. It seems fascinating to me that the astrologer treads along the mysterious boundary which separates these two experiences, one being contemplative, the other investigative.
I started my journey with the Faculty in 2017, at a time in which I really wanted to bring some structure into my cosmic research. I took that decision after attending Summer School in Oxford, which really turned out to be a watershed moment. At that event I found myself in front of the immensity of philosophical nuances and academic richness which exist beyond the mere symbolism and technicalities we use in our practice. It became clear that I needed to start exploring the depths of our complex relationship with the cosmos with more dedication.
The Faculty’s program is extremely well structured, and it gives the student an opportunity to utilize astrology in a fair, productive and realistic way. I really appreciate the school’s ability to assist us in developing a proper “astrological language”, which eventually allows us to assist both clients and future students in a constructive fashion. Thanks to the tutors’ dedication and ethical approach, the student can truly develop a refined understanding of cosmic synchronicity.
It needs to be said that every committed astrological journey is complex and profound, because it truly exposes the sensibilities of the Soul. The Faculty, with its rigour and optimistic emphasis on personal choice, teaches us how to step beyond fatalism, encouraging us to see the future as a pathway to new opportunities.

Catherine Larimer ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2022
My first real encounter with astrology took place after a particularly challenging Saturn return. At that time, a professional astrologer helped me process those challenges and understand how my childhood had influenced many life decisions and patterns. Looking back, I see that our sessions helped me move forward with a greater sense of my own identity and calling. It was truly an important turning point in my life.
Since then, I’ve been fascinated with astrology. However, a busy career and family life left little time to give it the depth of study I felt was necessary. Then, about 3 years ago, I had time to devote to more serious exploration and began taking workshops taught by various astrological programs. Although they were certainly informative, I felt that much was missing. Specifically, a comprehensive, ‘bottom-up’ approach that could ground the concepts and symbolism in a way that was easy to absorb.
After researching several schools, I begin the Foundation Program at the Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS) as an online student. I’m now a year and a half into the Program and currently participating in Module 5. It’s been a fascinating journey of learning and self-discovery made even more enjoyable with an international group of fellow students. We share ideas, offer support, and trade comments that have deepened our learning experience. Currently, I’ve passed the Foundation exam and am now working towards the Diploma.
Astrology is a complex, multi-layered system of symbolism that can be overwhelming. To facilitate learning, the Faculty offers a comprehensive, high-quality approach with materials that are well written and organized. All readings and lectures are structured in a way that’s logical and easy to process. Every teacher and tutor I’ve worked with has been knowledgeable, patient, accessible, and interested in making sure that the concepts are understood. I feel so thankful to Carole Taylor, Lisa Stockley, and Toby Aldren for the commitment they’ve shown to me and my fellow classmates. Although those were my teachers, I’ve heard from other FAS students that the entire Faculty has the same exceptional standard of teaching and student engagement.
The decision to study astrology is like embarking on an amazing journey that can take you as far, as deep, and as wide as your own curiousity. The Faculty offers a robust and outstanding program that will support you along the way.

Judith Jibb, D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Autumn 2022
I first became enchanted with Astrology courtesy of the sun sign column glyphs in small-town 1960s Canada print media. Curiosity about the magical symbols of the emergence of a New Age (for me, at least) grew into a daily ritual involving learning Astrology for life. First, following the ephemeris motion of the Moon through the Zodiac signs nourished an early deep drive to find meaning. Later, comparing celestial cycles to life events and directions fed a profound hands-on quest for understanding, netting ample epiphanies and synchronicities. Much later, it still does.
The Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS) came to my radar after meeting Diploma holder Shelagh Kendal (1924-2005) in the Yukon in the 1970s. Taking Shelagh’s suggestion, I began the happy study in my remote home. I tackled the Faculty’s ground-breaking distance learning program, juggling working for the government and raising three children with no mod cons at minus 40. I achieved the Certificate and began the Diploma. Then I was sidelined.
Fast-forward past relocations, retirement, and 8 grandchildren, I embarked on a related learning opportunity at the University of Wales MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (MACAA) Program. A promotional conference in Zurich in 2011 presented lectures and meetings with Nick Campion, Liz Greene, Bernadette Brady and other contemporary Astrology leaders. I enrolled and completed the journey to the award of MACAA in 2016 partly from research on Sacred Geography in northeastern Canada. Then, the Faculty’s Sacred Geography module lured me back; I reapplied for Diploma studies at FAS. The syllabus had changed a bit over the decades, but the work was again joyful.
The teacher-student relationships stand out in Faculty studies. Tutor Alan Annand’s airmail letter exchanges critiqued my character analysis of Carl Jung in the ‘70s. More recently, Tutors Stevi Gaydon, Mónica Teixeira and Glòria Roca engaged me in powerful written word interactions. The exchanges can get deeply personal if you choose to go that way. Self-analysis exercises were motivational and valuable. The application of advanced techniques was stunning. There is no end to the learning of this language.
Astrology is the ultimate power tool (language) for understanding and finding focus. In addition to its primary use to understand individual cycles, Astrology works with Tarot and other methods to enhance validity or confirmation when helping others. My interests continue to focus on researching sacred geography and the dynamics of group relationships, such as in families and music collaborations. Also, research on the history of Astrology in Canada via the newsy publications of the Fraternity for Canadian Astrologers 1979-1989 is an ongoing project.
FAS studies benefited in many ways, but in particular, by building adherence to a particular successful methodology. The Faculty formula has survived with cultural and technological adaptations since 1948. The proof is in the pudding!

Stacey Plank ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2022
Gaining my Certificate has been a rewarding process. The Faculty has supported and provided me with the tools and building blocks to work towards some concrete goals. The tutors are excellent and offer their personal expertise and experience, which contributes to bringing to life this complex field of study. Participating in classes has anchored me to the work in a way I could not have achieved on my own.

Katrin Tchana ~ Certificate ~ Autumn 2022
Around my first Saturn Return my stepmother died unexpectedly. Going through her belongings I found a pack of Tarot cards, which I decided to keep. Over the next years I learned the language of Tarot, and did readings for friends and at festivals and country fairs, completely wearing out that first deck of cards. I had friends who practiced astrology and encouraged me to learn it as well, but at the time it seemed too complicated and not worth the effort. Then in 2019, shortly before my second Saturn Return began, I was suddenly possessed by the sky gods.
I felt compelled to learn astrology, and started exploring all the trash and treasure that’s available on the internet. One night I was listening to Chris Brennan’s Astrology Podcast and heard Carole Taylor speaking about the Faculty of Astrological Studies; I immediately knew I would study there. So far, I have completed Module Six, and this year I will take the intermediate exam. I plan to complete the diploma, although getting to that point is far more difficult than I imagined.
Professionally, I am a licensed Social Worker with a busy psychotherapy practice. Studying at the Faculty has profoundly changed how I think about my work. Astrological knowledge offers a structure and perspective that allows me to support my patients so much more effectively. In my opinion, contemporary psychology lacks a meaningful theory of adult development, and astrology fills that gap. The major midlife transits provide a series of opportunities to recalibrate and redirect our life’s path, and astrologically sensitive psychotherapy can be a powerful tool to achieve this. I feel incredibly grateful to all the teachers I’ve encountered during my studies at FAS, who have helped me deepen my ability to work with my patients in such a magical way. I am also grateful to my online classmates who have kept me company through the journey and helped me survive the pandemic with my sanity at least partially intact!

Eric Fischmann, D.F.Astrol.S. ~ Spring 2022
I feel fortunate to have come across Astrology at 21 when I was handed my chart for the very first time. I was drawn to it out of confusion, which is said to be the mother of knowledge. The first thing Astrology helped me do was draw oxygen and breathe amidst a muddled world lost in translation. For the next seven years I tried navigating my way on my own, through countless Astrology books that would help me decipher the mystery I was to myself that surrounded me, with a sense that I still had not landed anywhere near firm ground.
Then Saturn returned at 29, and a new spark was ignited, as Astrology knocked on my door once more in the person of an Astrologer, who read my chart in the most astounding way. This definitely rooted my interest and I carried on studying even more avidly with my newly found friend. Very much like bees fertilising flowers, Astrology was the only thing I was looking for without being aware of it at first, and as much as bees want flowers, that makes sense to me.
Scores of books and lessons later, timely Uranus knocked me out of my Piscean slumber, and I broke away from the lingering reverie, as I met with the Faculty of Astrological Studies that was going to lay groundwork anew. And yet again here was another beginning. The beginning is a very delicate time. I soon discovered the Faculty’s approach to our art and understood what strong foundations were needed if I wanted to buttress my grasp and bring forth any sense of mastery to my skills. Throughout all nine modules, I was made aware of my potentials, my limitations, my transgressions and my illusions, of what I needed to let go of if I wanted to enjoy a sense of renewal and growth. Astrology has its grammatical rules, its syntax, and its broad lexical fields that translate the language of our surrounding world, yet simultaneously mark the way to true knowledge, discovering what is yet to be known and not what we already think we know. My studies with FAS gave birth through an academic framework to dreams of understanding and a new state of contemplation.
As Carole Taylor once pointed out at Summer School, the etymology of “Study” is about attachment, zeal, care, and eagerness, with the idea of devoting yourself to something. And so if I had to encapsulate years of Astrological studies in a few lines, I would say the Faculty has helped me consider Astrology as a relationship in its own terms, that reflects like a mirror, or like someone you care for would, demanding grounds of commitment – interestingly the glyph of Venus, the universal significator of relationships, has always reminded me of a mirror. I owe my potential and insights to the methodical and rigorous approach of my tutors, all of them. Their true benevolence, their insight and wise recommendations, have helped me draw out the confidence I needed to delineate proper boundaries and express values now ripe to unfold.

Viktoria Mirilo ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2022
I started to learn astrology after I met my husband, whose “second mother” told him to send me to her friend, who was an astrologer. After reading my chart, this lady invited me to participate in her course, where she taught astrology. She said I should work as an astrologer.
I enjoyed the lessons very much; the company was excellent, and I loved the conversations during and after the classes. Although, in those days, I didn’t put much effort into learning it.
Suddenly the lady died, and a year later, my daughter was born, so astrology disappeared a bit from my life.
I always wanted to study it, but life was too busy, and my calling was not strong enough.
Years later, my life circumstances changed, and after a couple of years, all of a sudden, I felt an urgent call to study astrology again. The feeling was so strong and urgent that I knew I must start studying astrology as soon as possible.
I put much effort into finding the right school – this is how I found the Faculty of Astrological Studies. I was part of the first online classes – a Fast Track group that, in those days, met twice a week.
I’ve just finished Module 6, and I can say that all the Faculty teachers are excellent. They are patient and create an encouraging atmosphere during the lessons. Whatever you say, they always find a way to respond to it most positively. Here you never feel weird yourself. They all have tremendous knowledge and experience that they want to share with love. They give you all the support you need for this journey.
I won’t say there are no other good astrological schools. Still, I feel that I made a good choice and would like to study here till I get my final diploma, and I’m sure I will be very proud of it as here, you have this helpful environment surrounding you, but you must work hard for it!

Kelvin Khemery ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2022
What started out as a coincidence became really something remarkable for me as I first enrolled in the programmes of the Faculty. I have been involved in metaphysical studies from a young age and I have been teaching for more than two decades in the fields of Divination and Energy work. Yet, just when I thought that I had studied enough, the astrology programme showed me another world beyond the stars. What surprised me was the depth and the broad coverage of the topic which I am not exposed to in Singapore.
As I delved into the first 3 modules of the programme – it was a self-study course and very informative – the tutor Mark was patient with me and my study pace. There was a lot of interesting information about manual chart drawing and calculations which the tutors taught well. However, the course helped me to achieve yet another level when I was able to attend it online. The live interactions between the tutors and students really made the modules easier to understand and it was a grace for students who did not have the chance to study it onsite because of the pandemic.
I enjoyed every lesson taught by my tutors even though we are of very different cultural backgrounds, and the explanations were very detailed to help us to unravel the full potential of the charts. The variety of tutors that the Faculty engages are all well trained and they offered detailed analysis of the techniques. I have already completed all of the modules of the Faculty, and I can only conclude that this course is indeed so profound as it has helped me to understand a deeper dynamic between the human consciousness and the celestial movements.
The work with the Faculty does not end with the modules but with the examinations which I am embarking on to complete the diploma. This offers a good opportunity to relearn and reintegrate what has been learnt, and also provides a personal challenge to push the limits that we confine ourselves within. I sincerely thank Cat, my tutor, and all the other teachers of the faculty for putting up such a beautiful course and I look forward to meeting them again in workshops or at the Summer School.

Irina Groven ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2022
The decision to study Astrology, and to do so with the Faculty’s guidance, became perhaps the most significant unfoldment of my lifelong path.
Quite unexpectedly, a whole new world was opened to me. I see Astrology as a magnificent field of knowledge that holds the keys to a multitude of realms that commonly lay under the radar of our consciousness in everyday life, and therefore realms we commonly are unaware of. Astrology can be seen as a hermetical art, the essence of which is the process of evolution of our own soul and personality. As offered insight into the depth of the psyche is so profound and invaluable, that it inevitably transforms and immeasurably matures, both one as human being and the way one sees the workings of the outer world. It adds a touch of magic as you start to realise the unity and interconnectedness of every dimension of our existence.
Embarking on the studies of astrology coincided with Uranus transiting directly over my Sun, even though a general interest in the subject has been ongoing for over 20 years. The first astrological book that I read was Liz Green’s Saturn, which was followed by a book on Neptune by the same author. These books fascinated me and compelled me into learning how to be capable of interpreting the meaning of the planets metaphorically and into becoming able to read my own chart.
After a thorough research of the various western astrological schools, I was convinced by the Faculty’s credentials in the form of their notable patrons and tutors and by the fact that they are the oldest western school on astrology.
Being a student of the faculty for the past 5 years, I can testify that this school provides a very sound level of education and that its standards of tuition are exceptionally high. It gives a particularly strong focus on ethics and responsibility, which is essential to the practicing astrologer.
I see each tutor of the Faculty as a precious gem, which emit their unique value of personal knowledge and insights and it is up to the student to participate creatively and consciously in the dynamic process of learning.
My main mistake was in underestimating the vast amount of information that astrology offers. To name but a few, I would like to mention mythology, philosophy, theology, psychology, and metaphysics. One cannot expect to rush through the studies, nor would one perhaps want to once initiation into this hermetical art takes place. It is best to prepare for an enjoyable, highly rewarding life-long journey that the field of Astrology is, with its explorations, amusements, intrigues and sometimes chills, when logic fails to explain how this art works.

Lorraine Worrall ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2022
My interest in astrology dates back to my late teens when I was inspired by my brother’s fascination with the interpretation of the natal chart and the inferred connections between the cosmos and our own inner world. The meaningful symbolism that the chart gives rise to has consistently enriched my view of life, functioning as a guide towards achieving what I can best become and helping me to get back on track when I have lost sight of myself on route.
My interest has never left me, but now after retiring from a career in Psychotherapy, I have embraced the opportunity through the Faculty to engage with the study of astrology. On recent completion of the Certificate Exam through distance learning, I am looking forward to continuing my studies through to Diploma level. I have consistently found the tutors to be knowledgeable and supportive with an emphasis on developing a psychologically minded approach to an archetypal understanding of the symbolism and cycles inherent in astrology.
Throughout my life, astrology has always brought another dimension to my life experiences, particularly during painful and challenging times, helping me to see crisis or conflict as an opportunity to let go of what is not working and to use these experiences as a means towards development and growth. There is something deeply meaningful and also comforting to me in this. Even amidst all the chaos of modern day life, a sense of purpose can be found, a point to it all and a unique map to find the way.
My own chart has a deeply Sagittarian and fourth house emphasis. With a drive to develop meaningful connections, I am most fulfilled by delving into what is on the inside, feeling most at home while engaged in study towards this. What better way to achieve that than through astrology.

Nicola Revolta ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2022
From the time I first became aware of astrology in my teens from my Mum’s copy of Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs, the subject has fascinated me. It’s always been a love of mine and has helped me to understand myself and my relationships and given me comfort, companionship, and meaning.
For me, astrology represents original and ageless wisdom, as well as being relevant now and tomorrow. It appeals to my intuitive and rational sides, and I have great respect for it. Looking at charts – the circles of life, and their possibilities and potentials is the most exciting aspect of astrology for me.
Throughout my life I’ve dipped into and out of finding out more about this powerful, profound, complex, and mysterious way of thinking. Fast forward a few decades and the time is right to pick up my personal astrological journey again…
Learning with FAS is challenging, inspiring, stimulating and especially rewarding when I achieved my Certificate. I’ve experienced distance learning, online classes, workshops, and Summer School remotely, and found all to be of excellent quality, enjoyable and fulfilling. I’m now studying at Diploma Level and plan to take my studies as far as I can. From the strong and supportive team of tutors, to interacting with other students from around the world, being part of the FAS community is wonderful and I hope you consider joining us.

Wanchun Zhang ~ Certificate ~ Spring 2022
I found myself curious about Astrology when I was young. There was a day when I was reading some newspaper and suddenly an article about the twelve zodiac signs came into my view. After that I started to read some books about Chinese horoscopes and Western Astrology. The learning was on and off.
Just before my first Saturn return, I decided to explore a bit more about Astrology. This was the reason I chose the Faculty of Astrological Studies.
Now I have finished the foundation modules and have started the Diploma I modules. I feel lucky that I met my tutors, Carole Taylor and Lindsay Gladstone, in the London weekends Foundation classes. They were inspiring and willing to help students to understand the astrology materials and practising skills on the natal charts. The atmosphere of the class had been cheerful and exciting. The handouts and the lectures are structured and great for beginners. Then I chose Distance Learning via Email for my Diploma I modules during the Covid pandemic periods. It was convenient for someone who is not able to go to London classes and good for learning at one’s own pace. Mark Fountain, my current tutor, has been giving me valuable suggestions and great guidance. It is a great experience and training for self learning.
Studying with the Faculty is an entertaining experience and I would say the learning experience in the Faculty gives me different lenses of viewing the world in different ways. I feel grateful that I got a chance to study astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies.
Now I’ve got the Certificate for the Foundation modules and I’ve finished Modules 4 and 5. I am currently doing some readings about the Astrology subjects by myself and also looking forward to continuing studying with the Faculty in the future.

Zlatina Dimova ~ Certficate ~ Autumn 2021
I’ve been interested in Astrology since I was a child. Of course, I knew only my Sun sign – it’s Cancer. But every time when I got a magazine or a newspaper in my hands, first I opened to the last page to read about my zodiac sign, then I read what was written for my family’s sun signs. I used to love to listen the forecasting of the zodiac on TV too. Most people don’t believe in it, but I knew then that I was related with that magical energy.
My first real meeting with Astrology was when one of my best friends shared with me her experience. She told me that one girl made a natal chart reading for her which included forecasting. I was really impressed. I wanted to try, to go in that “deep ocean” of mysticism. When I had my first session with the girl, I couldn’t imagine how someone who didn’t know me actually knew me very well – maybe better than myself. She ignited my curiosity to explore myself through Astrology. I started to read more articles, to buy astrology books, and to listen to podcasts. Around my Saturn return, I started my journey of studying Astrology in Bulgaria. That was 2017. But when I finished those classes, I needed deeper knowledge.
Then I found The Faculty of Astrological Studies and since 2019, I’ve been studying in online classes. I am very satisfied with the education, sessions, classmates and my first tutors – Toby Aldren and Rosemary Smith. They gave me a good foundation of Astrology in English and different points of view. I am proud of myself that I passed Certificate exam last year. Now I am at the end of Module 4 with another great tutor, Lisa Stockley, and very soon I’ll start Module 5. My other bestie followed my steps and now we study together.
I wish to get a Diploma from FAS in the near feature and to get a chance to practise as someone with D.F.Astrol.S. I am glad to develop my inner world, skills, intuition, and knowledge in the right place with the right people. Keep learning!