Begin Your Diploma in Bali!
We are delighted to announce the Faculty will be in Bali in December 2014, running a course in collaboration with Evelyn Roberts of Heaven and Earth Workshops; Evelyn is a former Faculty student, having studied for her Diploma alongside our very own Director of Studies, and past President, Carole Taylor. The course is entitled Grounding […]
The Faculty Awards Two Honorary Diplomas!
At our Summer School 2013 gala dinner, we were delighted to award two honorary diplomas. The Faculty rarely makes such awards; the only two of the last twenty years have been to Rob Hand and Bernard Eccles. Two exceptional candidates however were identified by the Faculty Council and the awards made at this year’s Summer […]
Spring 2013 Exam Season Results
A Sun-Jupiter conjunction seems an excellent moment to issue the results of yet another very successful exam season! A total of 20 exams were marked this spring: 16 Certificate level, 4 Diploma level, and I’m delighted to announce that we have one new Faculty Diploma holder, 13 new Certificate holders, one candidate who has successfully […]
Change of Head Tutor
Our current Head Tutor, Paolo Cortucci, will be leaving us at the end of June to start a new life in his native Italy. Paolo has been a member of the Faculty Council since 2007, and Head Tutor since 2009. He has done a brilliant job managing the Tutor Team and the organisation of the […]
London Classes 2013-2014
The programme of classes for 2013-2014 is now available on the Classes page, as is the enrolment form for booking. The classes start in October 2013, and commence with modules 1 (Planets, Signs and Houses), 4 (Transits & Solar Returns) and 7 (Midpoints, Harmonics and Synastry). Modules 2, 5, and 8 will run in the Spring […]
The Faculty Awards a Fellowship!

At Faculty Day 2013, which took place on 23rd March, we were delighted to award former President Carole Taylor a Fellowship of the Faculty, in recognition of her exceptional service and dedication to the Faculty over many years. The Fellowship represents lifelong membership of the Faculty and is rarely awarded. Other Fellowship holders include Clare Martin and […]
2012-2013 Summer Term
The Summer term of our London classes will start in April with modules 3, 6 and 9. Module 3 includes workshops on Chart Imbalances, Calculations and Whole Chart Interpretation. During Module 6 tutors will work on Chart Interpretation (including Forecasting) at intermediate level whereas Module 9 will focus on Advanced Interpretation and Astro-Consultancy. Distance learning students may attend […]
Autumn 2012 Exam Season Results
This Autumn Exam Season was a really successful one for a good number of students. A total of 25 exams were marked: 13 at Certificate level and 12 at Diploma level. I’m delighted to announce that we have 10 new Certificate holders, one of whom obtained the Lindsay Radermacher Award, and 5 new Diploma holders. […]
Changes To The Faculty’s Management Team
Faculty Presidency We would like to announce that Carole Taylor will not be taking up a second term of office as the Faculty’s President. After eleven years at the very top of the Faculty, Carole now needs greater room in her life to exercise her many talents in other areas, particularly her forthcoming studies in […]
London Classes Programme 2012-2013
The Faculty’s 2012-2013 programme of London Classes will begin in October 2012. The Autumn term will provide an opportunity to study modules 1, 4 and 7, the Spring term 2, 5 and 8 and the Summer term 3, 6 and 9. Faculty Students in Class Foundation course modules (1, 2 and 3) may be taken […]
New Optional Module at Diploma Level II

Brian Clark, Astro*Synthesis We are delighted to announce the introduction of a new system of optional modules at Diploma Level II, to include a totally new module on ‘The Astrology of the Family’ written by counselling astrologers Brian Clark and Glennys Lawton, co-founders of Astro*Synthesis in Australia. Between them Brian and Glennys possess a wealth […]
New Interpretation Practice Modules – Foundation, Diploma Level I and Level II
We are delighted to announce the introduction of Interpretation Practice Modules, one at Foundation Level, one at Diploma Level I and one at Diploma Level II. These are designed to be taken after completing each level of study, if you wish to gain extra practice at chart interpretation after you have completed Module 3, Module […]
Past Summer School Recordings
Past Summer School recordings, including lectures by Rob Hand and Liz Greene, are available for download on the online booking centre, at a price of only £5 each. These recordings, and the wealth of knowledge contained in them, have already been discovered by some students, who keep coming back for more! If you would like to […]