A Sun-Jupiter conjunction seems an excellent moment to issue the results of yet another very successful exam season!
A total of 20 exams were marked this spring: 16 Certificate level, 4 Diploma level, and I’m delighted to announce that we have one new Faculty Diploma holder, 13 new Certificate holders, one candidate who has successfully passed her Intermediate level, and one Lindsay Radermacher Award which is given to a particularly outstanding Certificate exam.

Very many congratulations to them! All the awards will be given at the next Faculty Open Day in March 2014 and we hope you can come to share that lovely event and accompany your fellow students in the celebration of their success.Just one more thing before I give the names. I would like to highlight the fact that the Faculty’s pass mark for the exams is not just 50%, it is 70%. This makes a “simple Pass mark” something that is significant of having very good astrological skills, and and any mark beyond that a tremendous achievement.
Now it’s my pleasure to announce the names of the new Certificates. They are:
Orietta Ancilotto
Oscar Cainer
Vagelis Chaikalis-Petritsis
Lynne Corbett
Zümrut Erkan
Geerte Groen
Irene Maandi
Doris Maat
Hiroko Oshida
Daliah Roth
Zinnia Sanchez
Elaine Stocking
Louise Vergette-Lynn – Lindsay Radermarcher Award
And the new Diploma Holder is:
Olga Lefa
I very heartily wish them the best for their life as professional astrologers on behalf of the Faculty. I am sure they will help to keep the Faculty’s standards high with their work!
Gloria Roca, Head of Exams
To read students’ stories of success, please visit the ‘Our Students’ page.