Faculty of Astrological Studies


We are delighted to announce that Lindsay Gladstone is our new Summer School Registrar. Lindsay is a member of the Faculty Council and a distance learning tutor, and will this year be making her first foray into London Classes teaching too. Lindsay will be dealing with Summer School enrolments and is the contact for all […]

NEW!! Introduction to Astrology Day Seminar

4 October, Central London, Tutor: Carole Taylor This new seminar is designed as an introduction for beginners, those with a little knowledge, and anyone interested in finding out more about studying astrology. Each participant will be given a copy of their own birth chart and we will look at the key components of those charts, […]

Death of the Danish Astrologer, Christian Borup

The Faculty is very sad to report the death of the well-known Danish astrologer Christian Borup, on 29th July 2015. His death comes after a two-year battle with colon cancer. Christian Borup was a key figure in Danish astrology, with a high-profile presence on television and in popular media, and a thriving astrological practice in […]

Tube Strike & Introductory Open Evening

If the proposed tube strike goes ahead on Wednesday 8th the Introductory Open evening will be cancelled because of the obvious travel difficulties that will cause. For more information about our courses check out our ‘Study with Us’ pages or contact info@astrology.org.uk Another Introductory Evening will take place on Wednesday 30th September in London, WC1 […]


The Summer Solstice is the time when the exam results of the Spring Exam Season are issued, so it is my pleasure to announce the names of the successful students! The Faculty’s exam system is organised in two Exam Seasons, the first one on the Spring Equinox and the second one on the Autumn Equinox, […]

Technical Assistants/Room Monitors for Summer School 2015

I am looking for two (or three) Technical Assistants/Room Monitors to help out at the Summer School. The positions are open to registered Faculty students. The successful candidates will join a small and friendly team, working alongside both guest and Faculty tutors. Duties involve recording lectures, assisting with laptops and projectors if required, and ensuring […]

Online Seminar – Chart Interpretation Practice

Deepen your  chart skills and experience a Faculty online class! Book early as these are popular sessions and places are limited. Both Foundation (27th June) and Diploma (6th June)  interpretation seminars are available. Click here for more details      

The Faculty publishes its first book of the 21st century!

Journey through Astrology: Charting the Astrological Voyage of Discovery Edited by Laura Andrikopoulos, Cat Cox and Carole Taylor We are proud to announce the publication of our book Journey through Astrology, the first book from the Faculty of Astrological Studies Press. It is an account of the journey we take when we study and work with […]

Faculty Open Day 2015

We had a great time at  Faculty Open Day on Saturday 21 March in London celebrating 2014’s exam successes and considering the theme. ‘Astrology and the Artistic Imagination’ Our guest speaker, Darby Costello, spoke on ‘Astrology as an Art Form: The Astrologer as Artist.’  OK   For more details view the Faculty Day page.

Summer School, 21st-28th August 2015, Exeter College, Oxford

We have an exciting programme of study on offer for 2015. Here is a summary of the available courses: Weekend Courses – Friday 21st – Sunday 23rd August Passages & Cycles of Life: Brian Clark An Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology: Dorian Greenbaum Five-Day Courses – Sunday 23rd – Friday 28th August You can choose our […]

Latest Examination Results

Autumn 2014 The Winter Solstice has arrived and it is time to announce the results of the Autumn 2014 Exam Season! We have two Exam Seasons at the Faculty, the first one on the Spring Equinox and the second one on the Autumn Equinox, and the results are issued on the respective Solstices. The students […]

Summer School, 15th -22nd August, Exeter College, Oxford

We had a truly magical time at the Summer School this year, amongst the ancient stones and walled gardens of Exeter College, former home to J.R.R. Tolkein and William Morris. We had seven full days of astrology and a range of courses to suit everyone’s taste – a combination of Faculty modules and part-modules along […]

Summer School, 15th-22nd August Exeter College, Oxford

There are still some places available for the Summer School, but you’ll need to hurry to book! Can’t make the whole programme? Remember you can sample just a day or half day of the Astrology in Action course as a day-delegate. Here’s a reminder of our programme: WEEKEND COURSES Love, Venus and the Erotic Life […]

Rob Hand at Summer School 15th – 22nd August 2014

The Faculty’s much-loved patron Rob Hand is back at Summer School! After an absence of two years, during which Rob was completing the final stages of his PhD in medieval history at The Catholic University of America, we’re delighted that he will be teaching at this year’s Summer School in Oxford. Rob is teaching on […]

Faculty Day 2014

Faculty Day 2014 was a great success.  It was a beautiful day, there was a wonderful atmosphere and spring was in the air!  It was a delightful day of celebration. A big thank you to everyone who presented and helped. A full report, photographs and downloadable presentations are now available on the Faculty Day page.

Online Seminars Programme 2014-2015

We have another programme of online seminars available on Saturdays from the autumn term. These are open to both Faculty and non-Faculty students. For distance learning students in particular, this is a chance to connect in real time with a Faculty tutor and with a group of fellow students in an online classroom. All you […]

Christina Rose, D.F.Astrol.S.

It is with great sadness that we report the death of the astrologer Christina Rose, on 11th February 2014.    Christina first began to study astrology in 1968, gaining her Diploma from the Faculty in 1974, and was a Faculty tutor for a number of years. From the mid-1970s onwards she pioneered the use of […]

Autumn 2013 Exam Results

The Winter Solstice has arrived and its lord Saturn, god of the harvest, tells us that this is the time of the yearly announcements in relation to the exams! We have two Exam Seasons at the Faculty, one on the Spring Equinox and the second one on the Autumn Equinox, and the results are issued […]

New! Online Seminar Update

We held the first of our new webinars on 7 December and it proved very popular.  Covering the Module 1 topic of Planets in Signs in Houses, it was a chance to recap the basic vocabulary of astrological interpretation in a real-time ‘live’ setting – and it was wonderful to meet Distance Learning students from […]

Online Open Session

To find out more about the Faculty and what it has to offer, you are invited to join us for an online Open Session on Saturday 18th January 2014.  The session will take place at 3pm (GMT/Universal Time) and will last for an hour.  It will be hosted by our Director of Studies, Carole Taylor, […]

The Astrology of the Family – New Live Class!

This coming spring the optional Diploma half module – The Astrology of the Family – will run live in the London classes programme. It will take place on two consecutive days on the weekend of the 1st and 2nd February 2014. We will be working with our new course material which has been developed by Brian Clark and Glennys Lawton and which explores this fascinating […]

New! Online Seminars

We will be holding four online seminars for Foundation Course students in the upcoming academic year.  If you are a Distance Learning student and unable to attend classes in London or our Summer School in Oxford, this is a great opportunity to interact in real time with a Faculty tutor and fellow Foundation Course students.  […]