Faculty Open Day 2018
Come and join the fun at Faculty Open Day 2018! Saturday 24 March, 2018 11am-5pm Theme: Astrology – The Future of an Ancient Art with Guest Speaker: Dr Nicholas Campion Fyvie Hall, University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London, W1B 2HW See the Faculty Open Day 2018 web page for the programme and full details.
The Winter Solstice arrived in the afternoon of the 21st of December right after the entrance of Saturn in Capricorn. Therefore Saturn, lord and god of the harvest, is nicely conjoining the Sun, and Venus also joins them from the end of Sagittarius in the ingress chart. It seems a lovely symbol for announcing the […]
Summer School 2017
We have now updated the Summer School 2017 page. Check it out for a write of what was a wonderful event and … there is also a selection of photographs.
NEW!! Fast Track Foundation Course in London
NEW! Fast Track London Classes Missed the start of the autumn term? London Classes Dates don’t work? Foundation level London Classes will be available in a Fast Track programme from January – July 2018. The classes run on a Saturday from 10am-5pm and will be held in Gordon Square which is close to Euston, Warren […]
The Summer Solstice is the time when the exam results of the Spring Exam Season are issued, so it is my pleasure to announce the names of the successful students! The students work hard on their exams during the whole year and submit their papers for marking at the exam seasons which are located on […]
Announcing our New Astrological Evening Group:
Announcing our new astrological evening group: The Jupiter Group Thursdays: 7-9.30pm The Art Workers’ Guild 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AT Inaugural meeting: 29th June 2017 COSMIC WEATHER REPORT An evening with Melanie Reinhart See the Jupiter Group web page for more information.
The Faculty Goes to China!
Drawing Down the Heavens: Creativity and Craft in Astrological Practice Temple, Beijing Beijing, China: Friday 20-Sunday 22 October & Friday 27-Sunday 29 October 2017 A workshop organised and hosted by the Academy of Astrology Tutors: Carole Taylor and Cat Cox The Faculty has been invited to teach a workshop in Beijing at the successful and now […]
Summer School 2017
Booking is now OPEN! All the information you need is on the web page together with a downloadable brochure. Here’s the link to the web page.
The Winter Solstice arrived in the morning of the 21st of December. Saturn its lord and god of the harvest, is elevated in the sky together with the Sun in the ingress chart for London, a lovely symbol for the issuing of the Autumn Season exam results. As you may know we have two Exam […]
Bali – Course Summary
The Course in Bali, ‘Self and other: Honouring the Depth and Diversity of Relationship’ tutored by Brian Clark and Carole Taylor was a great success. Carole has written about it on the web page and included some beautiful photographs. Click here to to taken to the page.
Jo Stratton-Wain
The Faculty is sad to announce that Jo Stratton died recently after a short illness. She had many friends among the students and tutors at Summer School which she had attended regularly since 2012. Jo’s smiling face and cheerful enthusiasm became one the delights of our annual stay in Exeter College. We will miss her […]
Spring 2016 The Summer Solstice is the time when the exam results of the Spring Exam Season are issued, so it is my pleasure to announce the names of the successful students! The students work hard on their exams during the whole year but submit their papers for marking at the exam seasons which are […]
Jonathan Cainer (1957-2016)
The FAS was very sorry to hear the news that the great Sun Sign astrologer Jonathan Cainer had died at the age of 58. Jonathan was a former student with the FAS and remained a friend. As a Sun Sign astrologer he followed in the footsteps of Alan Leo (1860-1917), who popularised the art of […]
The Sun: Day Seminar 24 July 2016
We have added an additional seminar to the new Planet Series of Day Seminars which are proving to be very popular. The Sun with Sue Farebrother will run on Sunday 24 July. These seminars are open to everyone and it has been wonderful to meet so many non-students in the three events we have […]
The Faculty in Bali – 2016
26th October-2nd November 2016 Bayad, Ubud, Bali We are delighted to be working once again with Heaven and Earth Workshops, run by Faculty Diploma holder Evelyn Roberts, and presenting this course with Faculty tutor Carole Taylor and Brian Clark of Astro*Synthesis. Our focus on the course will be relationships of all kinds – how we […]
Watch Clare Martins talk ‘Practical Magic’
Clare Martin spoke beautifully about the Signs and Seasons at Faculty Day in March. Her presentation was videoed and is available in six parts on the website – click here.
NEW!! Online Seminars
We will be holding three webinars over the next term – two are aimed at Foundation level students and the other at Diploma Level 1 students. If you are a Distance Learning student and unable to attend classes in London or our Summer School in Oxford, this is a great opportunity to interact in real […]
Latest Examination Results Autumn 2015 by Glòria Roca, Head of Exams
The Winter Solstice arrived early in the morning of the 22nd of December and Saturn, its lord, god of the harvest, symbolizes the Faculty’s traditional yearly period when the exam results are issued. We have two Exam Seasons at the Faculty at the two Equinoxes with the results made public on the respective Solstices. The […]
Cat Cox – New Faculty President
We are delighted to announce that Cat Cox is our new Faculty President. Cat is a very experienced astrologer, tutor and Council member; she has run her own astrological practice since gaining her Diploma in 1996 and has taught in Classes, at Summer School and by Distance Learning for nine years. Cat has also studied […]
Laura Andrikopoulos Awarded A Faculty Fellowship
Laura has made an immense contribution to the Faculty since she arrived on the Faculty Council in 2007, serving as President from 2012-2015 and before that as Vice President from 2009-2012. She has steered the Faculty through a period of development both philosophically and in the range of our teaching, leading to the Faculty being […]
The Moon: Day Seminar
Cat Cox will be running a day long seminar focused on the Moon on January 24th in Central London. The seminar, one of the Planet Series, is open to students and non-students alike and offers an opportunity to improve your appreciation of the Moon’s symbology and mythology as well as how to interpret the Moon’s […]
Faculty Open Day 2016
We are delighted to announce that Clare Martin will be our guest speaker at Faculty Open Day on Saturday 19 March, 2016 11am -5pm at Fyvie Hall, 309 Regents Street, London, W1. Everyone is welcome to join us on this day of celebration. The theme of the day is ‘The Astrological Path:Walking in two Worlds’ […]