Faculty of Astrological Studies


The Winter Solstice arrived in the afternoon of the 21st of December right after the entrance of Saturn in Capricorn. Therefore Saturn, lord and god of the harvest, is nicely conjoining the Sun, and Venus also joins them from the end of Sagittarius in the ingress chart. It seems a lovely symbol for announcing the results of the Autumn Exam Season!

These are the students who have obtained their Certificate in the Autumn Season:

Melanie Conly
Tracey Cutler
Alison Finlay
Sandra Helfenstein
Kah Fai Hong
Lise-Lotte Jaktlund
Geraldine Leigh
Michaela Meiser
Sofia Olsson
Carla Sharp
Yousra Zahran

Also, some students have passed their Intermediate Exam which is in the midway between the Certificate and the Diploma. It requires a lot of hard work too, and it is a major step in preparation for the final exam. We want to congratulate the students who have passed their Intermediate Exam in the Autumn Season:

Orietta Ancilotto
Jieyu Chen
Anne-Marie de Roy
Pascale Ferrandiz
Eric Fischmann
Elaine Lim
Alejo López
Doris Maat

And our special congratulations are for the candidate who has passed her Advanced Interpretation Exam and has thus become a Faculty Diploma Holder and entitled to use the letter DFAstrolS after her name!

Guna Bundule


There are two Exam Seasons at the Faculty. They run from each Equinox to the following Solstice – the Equinox is the exam submission deadline, and the Solstice is the moment when we issue the results. So when the year comes to its end, we are able to put the results of the two Exam Seasons together and issue the complete list of exam results of the year. This is as follows:

New Diploma Holder

Guna Bundule

New Certificate Holders

Irena Badrov
Melanie Conly
Tracey Cutler
Maria Green
Sandra Helfenstein
Frederic Hoffmann
Kah Fai Hong
Alison Finlay
Lise-Lotte Jaktlund
Rasa Lazareviciene
Geraldine Leigh
Michaela Meiser
Sofia Olsson
Marliesa Peitzman (Seifried)
Anne de Roy
Norun-Christine Sanderson
Cristina Teixeira
Carla Sharp
Yousra Zahran

Intermediate Exam successful candidates

Orietta Ancilotto
Carolyn Brough
Jieyu Chen
Anne-Marie de Roy
Lubica Dodokova
Pascale Ferrandiz
Eric Fischmann
Elaine Lim
Alejo López
Doris Maat

Very many congratulations to them all for their success!


The new Certificates and Diplomas will be presented by Nick Campion, our Guest Speaker, at Faculty Day on the 24th March 2018 at Fyvie Hall, University of Westminster, 309 Regents Street in London, and we encourage you to come and share this special and joyful event with us!

Glòria Roca
Head of Exams

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Faculty Events

Seminars, Workshops & More

Online Seminar

The Consultation Series

SERIES: Consultation Series
Tutor: Cat Cox
24 January 2025
– March 15, 2025

Online Seminar

Transits Series

SERIES: Transits Series
Tutor: Mark Fountain, Lisa Stockley, Alejo Lopez and Toby Aldren
15 February 2025

Online Seminar

The Transits of Uranus

SERIES: Transits Seminars
Tutor: Lisa Stockley
22 February 2025
3:00 pm
– 4:30 pm