Faculty of Astrological Studies

Skywatch by Tim Metcalfe

We live in a galaxy which is around one hundred thousand light years across and is slowly rotating. The stars in its spiral arms orbit around the galactic centre about once every several hundred million years. You could say that our solar system at around thirty thousand light years from the galactic centre in the […]

A Snapshot of the Current Outer Planets Transits by Rod Chang

Uranus square Pluto is probably the most popular topic at this moment in the astrology community. Since 2010 these two planets have started to form the waxing square in their synod cycle and we are all wondering what is going to happen. Not long ago, more than 40,000 people walked the streets in a protest […]

The Power of Introverts… and other stories by Carole Taylor

A few months ago a book was published called ‘Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking’ i. In it the author, Susan Cain, argues that, in a world which tends to admire and promote extroversion, we have come to undervalue the more introverted qualities of thoughtfulness and quiet contemplation. Cain, […]

Elizabeth: Woman, Icon by Claire Lilla

It is easy to forget, after 60 years of her reign, that when our Queen was born, no-one expected her to one day inherit the throne. In the early days of her childhood, Elizabeth enjoyed a carefree existence, expecting to stay in the shadow of her Uncle Edward and his future offspring. However, a momentous […]

Neptune in Pisces by Ana Paula Pestana

Inspiration or Delusion? Transcendence or Utopia? Sacrifice and Martyrdom? Any of these cases may arise during the influence of Neptune. What seems important is to ask ourselves how tuned are our cosmic antennas? Will we be involved by the waters that dilute or by those that are holy (waters of compassion, love and peace)? As […]

Uranus Square Pluto – Some considerations for the UK by Janet Dare

So much has already happened globally since 2008 when Pluto made its ingress into Capricorn. As if that ingress would not have been significant enough by itself, it marked the beginning of an incredible sequence of ingresses, all of which seem to tie in together to present an unavoidable shift in the way humanity exists. […]

Saturn, from Libra to Scorpio – Unraveling Skeletons by Ana Paula Pestana

The Disciple on the Path of Alchemy Saturn defines the limits according to our level of Consciousness. He sets the experiences and lessons we must go through and confronts us with the consequences of our choices. Therefore he asks us for responsibility. Over time, Saturn helps us to become wise and responsible beings during our […]