Faculty of Astrological Studies

2020 Summer Series of Online Seminars

Join us online in real time. Review the recording for 30 days.   4 July 2020 10.00–11.30am BST An Archaeology of the Astrological Houses Part 1: Places of the Soul with Brian Clark ENROL HERE When you enrol on Part 1, you’ll get a chance to save £5 by booking Part 2 at the same time. Astrologically […]

The NEW Summer Series of Online Seminars

Featuring three of your favourite guest tutors from Summer School 2018! Each seminar is 90 minutes long and costs £35. Your enrolment entitles you to attend the seminar in real time.  Plus, it gives you access to a recording of the class for a period of 30 days thereafter – perfect for review or if […]

Seminário online – Compatibilidade astrológica

Compatibilidade astrológica: Sinastria e Mapa Composto 30 March 2019 15:00-16:30  UTC/GMT Hora de início e fim nos países de língua portuguesa: 12:00-13:30 São Paulo | Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 14:00-15:30 Açores | Cabo Verde 15:00-16:30 Guiné-Bissau | Madeira | Portugal Continental | São Tomé e Príncipe 16:00-17:30 Angola 17:00-18:30 Moçambique Este Seminário online está indicado […]

Online Seminar: Uran u Biku – materijalizacija revolucionarnih ideja

Online seminar
 Subota 1. decembar od 15.00-16.30 GMT (16.00-17.30 po srednjoevropskom vremenu)
 Uran u Biku – materijalizacija revolucionarnih ideja sa Draganom Van de moortel-Ilić Svake 84-te godine planeta Uran ulazi u sazvežđe Bika, u kom boravi oko sedam godina.  U maju 2018. Uran je već ušao u Bika ali se do kraja ove godine vraća […]

Melanie Reinhart: Chiron and The Centaurs

Announcing two special online seminars with Melanie Reinhart! 12 January 2019 ~ 3:00 pm GMT Chiron – Thirty Years On In 2019 it will be thirty years since Melanie Reinhart published her seminal book on Chiron, at a time when we still knew very little about how it operated in the chart. As a celebration […]

Working with Aspect Patterns – Online Seminar – 16 June

The Stellium, the T-Square, and the Grand Trine with Frances Clynes Saturday 16th June 3:00 to 4:30 pm (UK time) Aspect patterns occur when three or more planets are connected by one or more aspects. The configuration can be harmonious or challenging, and can show talents that come easily to us, or complex tensions that […]