Faculty of Astrological Studies

The NEW Summer Series of Online Seminars

Featuring three of your favourite guest tutors from Summer School 2018!

Each seminar is 90 minutes long and costs £35. Your enrolment entitles you to attend the seminar in real time.  Plus, it gives you access to a recording of the class for a period of 30 days thereafter – perfect for review or if you were unable to attend at the time it was broadcast.

22 June 2019
3:00 pm BST
Summer Seminar
DRACONIC ASTROLOGY: another perspective
with Christeen Skinner

[Seminar Completed]


There are many ways to analyse the planetary and star positions at the moment of birth. The draconic perspective – which places the North Node at 0 Aries, – offers a layer of understanding not immediately apparent using traditional techniques. Yet this chart is not new – though it may be to you! The discovery that you might be a sun-sign Taurus but a draconic sign Leo is illuminating. Using worked examples of natal and mundane events as well as the bonds apparent through synastry, this seminar will offer fresh insights and perspective to your reading of a chart.

Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol. S., FRSA is a Director of Cityscopes London Ltd, a UK based company specialising in future-casting using solar and planetary cycles. Christeen works with fund managers, entrepreneurs and investors. She is author of several books on financial astrology and taught for the Faculty of Astrological Studies for a half nodal cycle. She is Chair of the Advisory Board of NCGR, a Trustee of the Urania Trust and on the Board of Directors of the Alexandria I-base Project which seeks to preserve astrological literature.

13 and 20 July 2019
***10:00 am BST***
Summer Seminar
Part 1 – The Synodic Cycles in the Solar Return Horoscope
Part 2 – Working with the Solar Return Horoscope
with Brian Clarke

Click here to save £5  ENROL FOR BOTH


[one_half] Part 1 – The Synodic Cycles in the Solar Return Horoscope
Each planet in the solar return has its own individual cycle in relationship to the Sun; therefore each planetary archetype can be considered developmentally over the course of many solar returns charts. In our first class we will study each planetary pattern and cycle as it develops throughout the solar return horoscopes of our lives, honouring the solar return chart as a constant and coherent development over time.

ENROL for Part 1 [/one_half][one_half_last]Part 2 – Working with the Solar Return Horoscope

In this class we will distil what we have learnt about the annual patterns into a meaningful method which will assist us in working with solar return horoscopes. I will present a way of working with the solar return horoscope that contributes to our understanding of the atmosphere of the year under review. Each student will receive comprehensive notes before each class.

ENROL for Part 2 [/one_half_last][clear]

Brian Clark has been a consulting astrologer and educator for most of his adult life. He is the creator of the Astro*Synthesis distance learning program which has been shaped from his experience as an astrological educator over the past 35+ years. Brian has his BA (Hons) and MA in Classics and Archaeology from the University of Melbourne and has been honoured with lifetime memberships from the state, national and professional astrological organizations in Australia. His books and articles have been translated into numerous languages. Brian’s most recent publications are The Family Legacy, Vocation and From the Moment We Met: The Astrology of Adult Relationships.

27 July 2019
3:00 pm BST
Summer Seminar
An Introduction to Medieval Astrology Techniques
with Chris Mitchell



As modern astrologers, we’re used to drawing up charts in seconds on a computer, and using numerous techniques, outer planet transits and a psychological language to work with our clients. Ours is a rich and subtle art. How, then, did medieval astrologers manage with just seven planets and five aspects? Was theirs simply a limited cut-down version of what we have available to us in modern astrology?

In this seminar, Chris Mitchell will demonstrate some of the richness of medieval astrology. Despite the lack of outer planets and modern techniques, medieval astrologers had a surprisingly large toolkit of methods lost to modern astrology: dignity, almutens, Arabic Parts, lunations and profections, to name but a few. The recent resurgence of modern translations of ancient texts mean these fascinating methods have been rediscovered, so find out how you can use them today to enrich your own astrological readings.

Chris Mitchell has an MA from Bath Spa University College in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, and is currently studying for a PhD at the University of Leicester where he is examining how astrology was taught in the twelfth century. Chris was a guest tutor at the FAS Summer School in Exeter College, Oxford, in 2018, where his lectures on Medieval Astrology proved very popular.

The Faculty uses Zoom as an online platform. If this is your first time enrolling, please read Joining an Online Seminar Using Zoom.

Prior to booking, see the Conditions of Enrolment.

Email onlineseminars@astrology.org.uk with any queries.

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Faculty Events

Seminars, Workshops & More

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– March 15, 2025

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Tutor: Mark Fountain, Lisa Stockley, Alejo Lopez and Toby Aldren
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The Transits of Uranus

SERIES: Transits Seminars
Tutor: Lisa Stockley
22 February 2025
3:00 pm
– 4:30 pm