Faculty of Astrological Studies

The Sun is your CEO – The Moon your Customer Relations by Vanessa Couto

When you are starting a business, or you already have an established one, defining what is your brand is something that may be on your mind. Where is your YOU in your business? If you are an entrepreneur that’s even more true, because your business is your brainchild, carrying forth your ‘Astro DNA’.

As I sit here brainstorming about my business idea and how to brand myself, I’m looking to my own astrological chart. What can the planetary archetypes tell me about my business brand? I’m a Gemini – I love communication, to be a bridge for people, ideas and resources. I have a Moon in Pisces – I’m empathic, dreamy and imaginative. I need to do something creative. My Ascendant is in Taurus – bringing something from the world of ideas (Gemini) into the physical world is vital. Art and beauty are also important.

That’s a starting point. Ideally one should look at their entire chart, because all the other planets and their positions will say much about your “YOU Business Incorporated”. How the planets are grouped together and what is the relationship between them, will clarify all this even more. One way to look at it is this: Mercury is your Communications Chief. Mars gets things done. Venus manages your money, but also decorates the office. Jupiter is your Business Development coordinator. Saturn is your CFO. Uranus is your IT guy. Neptune is your creative team. Pluto is your power generator.

But for now let’s focus on the three main points: Sun, Moon and Ascendant.

Astro chart 11_low resThe Sun – the CEO – the life and driving force of your business. (The placement of your Sun in your chart is where you ‘shine’.)

The Moon – here are your customers; your employees (remember employees reflect the light of the leader/Sun). Traditionally the Moon speaks of containment (i.e. containers of the body – breasts, stomach, womb) – and nurturing. What feeds your business? What are you feeding with your business?

Ascendant – the outer packaging. How you start and approach your business.

Here’s the ‘tip sheet’ section. If you know your Moon sign and Ascendant, use these to help you create your ‘Business Pyramid’ (Sun/Moon/ASC). These are just to get your imagination working, because the symbolism in astrology is very multi-layered and rich.

Fire Signs: the key concept is confidence and initiativeFire Element low res

Aries – The Trailblazer. The Pioneer. Nothing like the thrill of starting something. They need a vision, a cause to motivate them.

Leo – The Creative. Ability to vitalize any enterprise with generous spirit.

Sagittarius – The Quest. Desire to promote their ideals to the wider world. Freedom and meaning are important elements. Optimistic outlook is vital to keep the quest and sense of adventure alive.

Earth Element low resEarth Signs:the key concept is the innate understanding of how the material world functions.

Taurus – The Producer. Rooted vitality. Creative expression needs to find form in the physical world. Reluctance to change may hinder progress, but the energy flows when it is able to make something concrete in the world. Especially if it has a sense of beauty, quality and comfort.

Virgo – Discerning. Analyst. Need to be of service in some way. Value is placed in service and self-improvement.

Capricorn – Achiever.  Discipline. Here the energy is focused on reaching its goal. Value of hard-work, authority and pragmatism. Help others understand inner authority.

Water Signs:the key concepts are empathy, deep emotion and feeling response.Water Element low res

Cancer – The Nurturer. Ability to create a container for others. Understanding of how feeding/nurturing oneself is vital. This can be through food, love, and empathy. Creating a safe ‘home’ is part of its essence.

Scorpio – The Catalyst. Power to transform. Here the creative energy goes deep beyond the surface, transforming the status quo. Whatever a Scorpio does or feel compelled is infused with a deep intense desire to transform something completely.

Pisces – The Imagination Manifester. Here’s the chameleon of the zodiac. Ability to ‘be’, ‘become’ what the world projects onto them. Sensitive creative energy may not be clearly focused, but it is able to read the yearning that permeates the zeitgeist. Dreaming the world into being.

Air Element low resAir Signs: the key concept is that ideas are the prana (breath) of life. The mind’s perception of the world shapes your reality.

Gemini – The Trickster. The Mental Acrobat. The need to disseminate ideas, exchange information, connect the dots, people, products.

Libra – Relationship Connoisseur. Need for balance will lead one to quest for it and experience many instances of imbalance. Ability to sense what is off kilter and unfair in any environment/relationship/product. Beauty is not just a pretty face, it’s essential in life.

Aquarius – The Idea Logistics Master. Independence, innovation and freedom are food for the soul. Nurturing comes from encouraging one to step out of their comfort zone.

I hope this inspires you to do some further research into your own Planetary Entrepreneurs. I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about your chart, your business and how these fit together. Nothing would make your fellow Gemini happier than spreading the information and getting the conversation going.

Note: Blog post from Art by Nessa (www.artbynessa.com) – Post published on March 19, 2014 and shared with my business class group. I wanted to write something thatgreenchairstudio-vanessa-031-crop-web would help the non-astrologer get a glimpse of how the Sun, Moon and Ascendant could be of help when branding their business.

Vanessa Couto is an artist and counseling astrologer in Portland, Oregon,USA.  Originally from Brazil, Vanessa has lived in many other places, before calling Portland her home. Her love for astrology has been with her since she was a child. She was the only kid in the playground going around and asking all her friends, “What is your sign?”  She has a M.A. in TESOL (Teaching English as Second Language) from New York University, and a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.  She also loves to create personalized astrological mandalas. She infuses them with a symbolic interpretation of her clients’ natal charts. 

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