Faculty of Astrological Studies

Recommended Texts

Astrology books that the Faculty of Astrological Studies recommend

Astrology books

Astrology books we recommend


Welcome to our curated list of recommended astrology books, designed to support students at every stage of their learning journey. Whether you’re just beginning to explore the fascinating world of astrology or deepening your understanding as an advanced practitioner, these texts provide invaluable insights, guidance, and inspiration. This collection includes foundational works, practical guides, and thought-provoking explorations of astrological theory and practice. We’ve also highlighted publications by our Faculty tutors, including our own Faculty book, which offers a unique perspective on the transformative power of astrology.

Faculty Press

Journey Through Astrology:
Charting the Astrological Voyage of Discovery

The book, edited by Laura Andrikopoulos, Cat Cox and Carole Taylor, consists of ten chapters, each written by a different author. The first eight chapters each seek to explore some aspect of the journey through astrology whilst the final two offer reflections on their lives in astrology from two of the world’s most respected astrologers: Darby Costello and Melanie Reinhart.

We believe this current work is unique amongst the currently available astrology-related publications, for this work is not concerned with techniques or interpretation but addresses the inner experience of the astrological journey. It interweaves the personal reflections of the authors with their specific chapter theme.

Recommended texts

General Texts:
These books are ideal for those starting their astrological journey or building on foundational knowledge. They cover essential topics such as planets, signs, houses, aspects, and interpretation techniques.

  1. Clare Martin

    • Mapping the Psyche: An Introduction to Psychological Astrology
      Volume 1: The Planets and the Zodiac Signs (CPA Press, 2005)
      Volume 2: The Planetary Aspects & the Houses of the Horoscope (CPA Press, 2007)
      These texts feature transcripts of live classes by Clare Martin, former Faculty President, and are widely praised for their clarity and depth.
  2. Sue Farebrother

    • Astrology Decoded: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Astrology (Rider, 2013)
      Written by Faculty tutor Sue Farebrother, this book is an excellent companion to the Faculty Foundation Course, providing a step-by-step approach to mastering astrological themes.
  3. Stephen Arroyo

    • Chart Interpretation Handbook (CRCS Publications, 2004)
      A timeless classic, offering practical insights into the interpretation of signs, planets, and houses.
  4. Sue Tompkins

    • The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook (Flare Publications, 2006)
      Former Faculty tutor Sue Tompkins delivers a comprehensive guide to chart interpretation, covering all the basics and more.
  5. Julia & Derek Parker

    • Parkers’ Astrology (Dorling Kindersley, re-issue edition 2009)
      Co-authored by former Faculty President Julia Parker, this beautifully illustrated book covers astrology from beginner to advanced levels.
  6. Rex E. Bills

    • The Rulership Book (American Federation of Astrologers, Inc, 1971)
      This reference text offers a detailed list of astrological rulerships, essential for advanced interpretation.
  7. Lee Lehman

    • The Book of Rulerships (Whitford Press, 2000)
      A comprehensive guide to astrological correspondences, perfect for advanced students seeking detailed rulerships.



Astrology and Personal Growth:
Books in this section delve deeper into astrology’s role in self-awareness, family dynamics, and spiritual development.

  • Lindsay River & Sally Gillespie
    • The Knot of Time – Astrology and Female Experience (The Women’s Press Limited, 1987; reprinted 1997)
      This book takes an intuitive and feminine approach to astrology, offering a fresh perspective on signs, planets, and houses.


Faculty Publications

  1. “Journey Through Astrology: Charting the Astrological Voyage of Discovery”
    Edited by Laura Andrikopoulos, Cat Cox, and Carole Taylor, The Faculty of Astrological Studies Press, 2015
    Contributors: Cat Cox, Carole Taylor, Kim Farley, Polly Wallace, Deborah Morgan, Lindsay Radermacher, Diane Conway, Laura Andrikopoulos, Darby Costello, Melanie Reinhart
    This Faculty publication offers a unique perspective on what it means to be a student of astrology and the transformative journey of learning this ancient craft. With chapters by multiple authors, it provides insights into the power of astrology to change the lives of those who seriously study it.


FAS Astrology Library

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Looking for additional reading suggestions? Browse our Astrology Library for articles, recordings, and other resources to enrich your studies.

Faculty Events

Seminars, Workshops & More

Online Seminar

The Consultation Series

SERIES: Consultation Series
Tutor: Cat Cox
24 January 2025
– March 15, 2025

Online Seminar

Transits Series

SERIES: Transits Series
Tutor: Mark Fountain, Lisa Stockley, Alejo Lopez and Toby Aldren
15 February 2025
– March 8, 2025

Online Seminar

Transits of Pluto: the Impossible Cartography of the Underworld

SERIES: Transits Seminars
Tutor: Alejo López
8 March 2025
3:00 pm
– 4:30 pm