Online Workshops

To supplement your online learning, we now offer Online Workshops from time to time. These are typically three 2-hour sessions with limited enrolment. Some are only open to Faculty students, while others are open to other students as long as they have the appropriate experience. Some workshops are one-day only. Prior to booking, please read the Conditions of Enrolment.

Please note that workshops are not recorded. It is expected that you will attend and participate in real time.

JULY 2024

Foundation Level

Natal Chart Interpretation Workshop

with Toby Aldren

Three Wednesdays
6.30–8.30pm BST

17th July
24th July
31st July

6 hours participation

This workshop is open to Faculty students who have completed Module 3 and to non-Faculty students with similar training.

Here is your chance to engage in the process of interpreting a natal chart, from start to finish, in a supportive workshop setting. We’ll discuss each step along the way, beginning with our initial reactions to the chart to the time when we put it all together to articulate the chart’s main themes. It’s a great way to practise the Faculty’s systematic approach to interpretation.

Aspect Patterns Workshop

with Lisa Stockley

Three Thursdays
6.30–8.30pm BST

11th July
18th July
25th July

6 hours participation

This workshop is open to Faculty students who have completed Modules 1 and 2.

This workshop offers participants a comprehensive understanding of aspect patterns. Aspect Patterns are geometric configurations formed by the angular relationships between planets in a birth chart. Through a blend of theoretical explanations, practical exercises, and interactive discussions, Lisa will guide you in identifying and interpreting various aspect patterns, such as grand trines, T-squares, and others. It is an opportunity to refine your analytical skills, improving the art of synthesizing planetary energies and discerning the underlying themes woven within aspect patterns

Email with any queries.

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