Faculty of Astrological Studies

Latest Examination Results Autumn 2015 by Glòria Roca, Head of Exams

The Winter Solstice arrived early in the morning of the 22nd of December and Saturn, its lord, god of the harvest, symbolizes the Faculty’s traditional yearly period when the exam results are issued.

We have two Exam Seasons at the Faculty at the two Equinoxes with the results made public on the respective Solstices. The exams involve hard work for everyone. The students work very hard on their papers and, in the period between the Equinox and the following Solstice the examiners work with great care and attention on their assessment.

So now that the year 2015 comes to its end we are delighted to announce that we have a lovely group of 19 new Certificate Holders and 5 new Diploma Holders as a result of the two 2015 Exam Seasons!

These are the ten candidates who have obtained their Certificate in the Autumn Season:

Tinna Bisbo
Lilian Chow
Killian Cott
Sonia Giudici
David Ho
Alejo López
Jacqueline Morley
Benjamin Pybus
Alexis Yau
Wen Zeng

And we want to very specially congratulate the new Diploma holders

Michal Geffen
Mónica Teixeira

They will be entitled to use the letters D.F.Astrol.S after their name, a professional qualification that is recognised and respected throughout the astrological community. On behalf of the Faculty I wish them well in all their astrological endeavours!


The above results add to the ones of the Spring Season, so the complete list of new Certificate and Diploma holders 2015 is as follows:

Rosa Biagio
Tinna Bisbo
Jean Blackwell
Carolyn Brough
Elaine Cadman-Cramp
Lilian Chow
Killian Cott
Sonia Giudici
David Ho
Alejo López
Claire Manion
Simone Morandi
Jacqueline Morley
Nicola Perry (Lindsay Radermacher Award)
Benjamin Pybus
Hilaria Spiteri
Veronika Vajsova
Alexis Yau
Wen Zeng

Vicky Cruickshank
Michal Geffen
Catherine Munton
Monica Teixeira
Alex Trenoweth


The Certificates and Diplomas will be presented by Clare Martin, our Guest Speaker, at Faculty Day on the 19th March at Fyvie Hall, 309 Regents Street in London, W1B 2HW and we encourage you to come and share this special and joyful event with us!

Intermediate Exam Results

In the midway between the Certificate and the Diploma, the students must pass an intermediate level exam which also requires a lot of hard work and it is a major step towards preparing themselves for the final exam. These are the students who have successfully passed the intermediate exam in 2015. We congratulate them on their success!

Karen Arnone
Alka Chaturvedi
Becky Green
Adrianna Peric
Philippe Sibaud


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SERIES: Consultation Series
Tutor: Cat Cox
24 January 2025
– March 15, 2025

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SERIES: Working with Clients
Tutor: Cat Cox
15 March 2025
3:00 pm
– 4:30 pm

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22 March 2025
11:00 am
– 4:45 pm
Mary Ward House, London
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