Faculty of Astrological Studies

Frequently asked Questions

Find the answers to all of your course related queries below. If you still have questions please get in touch.

You can find the answers to all of your course related queries below. If you still have questions please get in touch.

Faculty students are adults of all ages and backgrounds and all are welcome. Please note however that you must be 18 or over to study with us. No formal educational qualifications are necessary, although a reasonable degree of literacy and numeracy is assumed. Students for whom English is a foreign language should note that a good standard of reading, writing and speaking English is required as you will need to write essays and reports for your coursework and examinations.

Anyone is welcome to study our Diploma modules without having completed the Foundation Course. However, if you wish to gain the Faculty’s Diploma qualification, you must be a Certificate holder before you are eligible to take the Diploma exams. Please note however that Astro-consultancy (Module 9) is reserved for students who have completed Modules 1-7.

You will need a good standard of reading, written and spoken English to be able to take the course. You will need a good standard of spoken English for some Diploma coursework and the final exam. If you are unsure of this, you can check your language skills on the following university access website: http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/do-it/english-skills. If you need to develop your language skills we recommend that you take an English language course first.

Yes. You are welcome to study individual modules or take the whole Foundation and Diploma Course without taking the exams.

Yes, you are welcome to enrol on the Diploma module classes without having to do the whole Diploma Course. Modules are given as either ten two-hour or four Saturday seminars spread over a term and are an ideal way to explore a subject that you wish to learn more about or to practise your chart interpretation. Please note however that Astro-consultancy (Module 9) is reserved for students who have completed Modules 1-7.

Even if a module is not scheduled as a live class, it will still be available by distance learning, and possibly also as a module at Summer School. You may study by any method you choose, according to your circumstances and students are able to move between distance learning and classes for different modules.

The Foundation Course comprises three modules and is designed to take you up to 18 months to complete. Each module is taught over four Saturdays or ten weeks per term at classes either online or in London and you have six months tuition time available for each module taken by distance learning. You will need to do each module one at a time and preferably in the right sequence, in order to fully absorb the material.

The Diploma Course consists of six modules which can take you between two to three years to complete if you study three modules per year in class or take the modules by distance learning. However, many students may take longer than this choosing to take a break in between modules to take time to absorb the material, deepen their understanding and practise working on charts. And tutors may suggest that a student take a break between levels or modules to develop and practise.

No, modules must be taken one at a time, and preferably in order. So if you enrol on Module 1 classes beginning in January, for instance, you should not also enrol on Module 2 classes beginning in January. You could take the Module 1 classes that begin in January and then the Module 2 classes beginning in April. The same principle applies to distance learning via email. It is not permitted to study one module by distance learning and take classes in another module at the same time.

If you will be starting Diploma Level 2 after 1st September 2021, you will have the option of two module pathways for Module 7. You only need take one of these pathways – Module 7[R]: The Astrology of Relationships or Module 7[T]: Advanced Techniques – in order to gain the requisite 20 credits for the module. However, you also have the option of taking them as a combined extended module if you wish. More information about this can be found on the Diploma Level 2 page. If you began your Diploma Level 2 studies before 1st September 2021, you may have taken a mixture of compulsory and optional part-modules for to build up your credits for Modules 7 and 8. If you need to take more of these part-modules to make up your credits, they will still be available to you via Distance Learning until 1st September 2022.

The Faculty’s Diploma is held in very high esteem in the astrological world as a first class training. As a Faculty Diploma holder you will sign the Code of Ethics and may choose to set up your own consultancy practice or to develop your astrological vocation through teaching or writing, for example. Diploma holders may use the title DFAstrolS after their name and can choose to be listed in the Faculty’s Directory of Consultants.

All the Faculty’s tutors are holders of the Faculty’s Diploma, and have a great deal of astrological and tutoring experience.

Whichever method of studying you choose, your tutor will support you throughout each module, feedback on your exercises and course work, suggest extra reading and generally ensure that you have all the guidance and feedback you need to work through to the successful completion of each module. Their aim is to ensure that you have a rewarding and individually-supported learning experience.

The advantage of Distance Learning is that you can begin your studies at any time of the year, and work through the modules at your own pace, according to the amount of time you have available for studying. Working closely with your own personal tutor via email, you will enjoy the benefit of one-to-one attention and feedback.

The advantage of studying astrology at live or online classes is the opportunity to meet like-minded people and to learn from the experience and examples of other students. At Faculty classes you will also receive the support and interaction with your class tutor, who is there to guide you through the course and who will give you feedback on a written assignment at the end of the module.

You need 120 credits to gain your Certificate. 20 credits are allocated on the completion of each of the three Foundation Course modules and 60 credits are awarded when you have passed the Certificate Interpretation exam. You need 360 credits altogether to gain your Diploma: 120 credits for the Certificate, 120 credits for the completion of Diploma Level One and 120 credits for the completion of Diploma Level Two. Visit the Examinations page for further information.

You can enrol online using our secure server.

Students do not need to purchase a software package as all the charts and tables you will need to work on will be provided by the Faculty.

Calculating charts by hand is a small but important part of our Foundation Course and does not require great mathematical skills. The course teaching guides you through the process step by step, providing all the help you need to master the art of chart calculation.

No, for the Foundation Course (the first 3 Modules) only Raphael’s Ephemeris is needed. For subsequent modules, two ephemerides for the 20th and 21st centuries, and Baigent, Campion & Harvey’s Mundane Astrology are required. Reinhold Ebertin’s The Combination of Stellar Influences will also be required if you are taking the Module 7[T]: Advanced Techniques optional pathway. For further information, including where to buy these books, see our ‘Essential Books for Purchase’ in Courses – Enrolment. However, reading around the course is an important part of deepening ones understanding, so students are encouraged to read from the book lists provided with each module.

No. Exam papers are sent to students by email and you can work on them at home.

We have two exam seasons coinciding with the spring and autumn equinoxes. Exams have to be submitted either by the first or the second equinox from the time exam papers are received. For examples, if you have applied for your exam at the end of March, you can submit it either before the September equinox or by the following March equinox. For further information on exams, see also ‘Exam Rules and Regulations’. Students can apply for a 2-week extension if needed. (See ‘Exam Extension Form’ in Courses – Examinations for further details).