Faculty open day 2024
Faculty Open Day 2024 was held at Mary Ward House in Bloomsbury, a coming together of the astrological community to celebrate and connect. Once again, we enjoyed gathering in community with students, tutors, Diploma holders and friends all contributing to buzzing conversation and a lively atmosphere.

Honoring the sacred · celebrating our art
As ever, the Astrological Association were on hand to welcome new members, along with the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI) and the Astrological Lodge of London. Roy Gillett had Solar Fire showing on the big screen.
In the morning three new Diploma holders presented on the theme “Honouring the Sacred; Celebrating our Art”. Alison Finlay began the day with a thoughtful review of her journey into astrology and to gaining the diploma, considering what it means to honour the sacred and to celebrate our art.
Philippe Sibaud continued the theme of journeys with a fascinating trip through the Odyssey and around the zodiac, focusing on the shadow side of each sign and the trials and tribulations of Ulysses. To end the morning session, Sue Brayne tackled the perennial question of how astrology works with insights from her interviews with astrologers. Plenty of food for thought in all three talks and as ever the conversation could have continued for many hours.

After lunchtime spent catching with friends old and new, our President Cat Cox opened the afternoon session with an overview of the Faculty’s achievements and plans in the last year, including successful in person events as well as a thriving online community.
The highlight of the day came next; the reason we had gathered as a Faculty family and astrological community. Mónica Teixeira, the Faculty’s Head of Exams, introduced the Awards ceremony, honouring and celebrating the achievements of 26 new Certificate holders and an amazing 6 new Diploma holders. Many of our award winners were able to attend in person to receive their Certificates and Diplomas. The Faculty is a global community and more of our award winners were able to join us via Zoom, allowing us to acknowledge their achievement with a round of applause sent across cyberspace. The award winners attending in person were congratulated by our guest speaker Darby Costello.

After some time for coffee and more catching up, the day was rounded off perfectly with a talk from Darby Costello on Honouring our Sacred Art in this Secular World. Darby is always inspiring, and it was the perfect way to end the day.
The next Faculty Day will be on 22nd March 2025 at Mary Ward House, and we’d love you to join us for this annual celebration.