Faculty of Astrological Studies


: Online Seminar

The Sun-Moon Relationship in the chart

Event details

10 May 2025
Time: 3:00 pm
- 4:30 pm
Tutor: Alejo López
Cost: £35.00


Even today, with so much light pollution, two lights rule the heavens: the Moon and the Sun. The Moon can be thought of as our inner world, representing our emotions and sense of security, while the Sun may be seen as our outward energy, symbolising our goals and ambitions. These two luminaries, as astrologers often call them, sometimes work in harmony but sometimes seem to be at war. The combination of their sign and house placement can offer us valuable insights into our unique character. If we understand their relationship, we can foster an inner marriage in which our inner, unconscious world (Moon) and our outer worldly identity (Sun) establish a fluent dialogue with each other. In the past, it was called an alchemical marriage, to which one could arrive after years of self-awareness. Once achieved, a deep sense of wholeness should emerge. In this webinar, we will explore the astronomical properties of the Sun and the Moon and the symbolic interpretations of those. Then by using astrology and some concepts from depth psychology, we will study the astrological relationship between them, uncover different ways to understand their connection (even if they are not in aspect) and learn how to encourage this alchemical inner marriage to blossom from within.

Enrol now in all four seminars on ‘The Luminaries’ with Alejo López, Eric Fischmann, Lisa Stockley and Mónica Teixeira, and save £15.

Get a discount by booking the full seminar series:
The Luminaries
