Faculty of Astrological Studies


: Online Seminar

Integrating The Moon’s Nodes In Natal Chart Interpretation

Event details

17 May 2025
Time: 3:00 pm
- 4:30 pm
Tutor: Eric Fischmann
Cost: £35.00


In their tool kit astrologers have all sorts of things that light their candle. Arguably the Moon’s nodes are one of them. The north node and the south node are two symbolical points that stand at the intersection of the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic that highlights the Sun’s journey. As a result, the meaning of these nodes is derived from the Moon and the Sun, taking on their universal signification, and respectively pointing in the direction of attachment that fosters belonging and a sense of security on the one hand, and on the other the awareness of our journey towards development and becoming who we are. In addition, the Moon’s Nodes derive meaning from being an axis with the south node opposing the north node. Symbolically oppositions speak of relationships, the ones that enable us to relate to someone else, as much as the ones that help us interact with the world at large. In this foundation level webinar, we will learn how to fully integrate the intrinsic qualities of the Moon’s nodes in chart interpretation and see how their symbolism dynamically interacts with the rest of the natal chart. With a view to understanding how critical these nodes are to reading a natal chart, our study will lead us to cover all sign and house oppositions these nodes find themselves in, otherwise shedding light on a fitting topic that probes our skills at differentiating signs and houses.

Enrol now in all four seminars on ‘The Luminaries’ with Alejo López, Eric Fischmann, Lisa Stockley and Mónica Teixeira, and save £15.

Get a discount by booking the full seminar series:
The Luminaries
