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Seminars, Workshops & More
Online Seminar
The consultation chart and the astrology of the moment
Online Seminar
Soulful Venus: Earth
Online Seminar
Soulful Venus: Horoscope
Seminar recordings to take with you
We have a range of seminar recordings frmo our online seminars and our Summer School classes, that you can download and take with you.
All recordings just £5
Journey Through Astrology: Charting the Astrological Voyage of Discovery
The book, edited by Laura Andrikopoulos, Cat Cox and Carole Taylor, consists of ten chapters, each written by a different author. The first eight chapters each seek to explore some aspect of the journey through astrology whilst the final two offer reflections on their lives in astrology from two of the world’s most respected astrologers: Darby Costello and Melanie Reinhart.
We believe this current work is unique amongst the currently available astrology-related publications, for this work is not concerned with techniques or interpretation but addresses the inner experience of the astrological journey. It interweaves the personal reflections of the authors with their specific chapter theme.