Faculty of Astrological Studies

Consult an Astrologer

Melanie Reinhart

BA, D.F.Astrol.S.

Melanie Reinhart

Astrologer details

Diploma Year: 1929
Region: England
Sub-region: Bedfordshire


Chart Interpretation; Personal Relationships; Forecasting; Children’s Charts; Horary; Esoteric; Chart Rectification; Telephone/Skype Consultations; Recordings sent online.


Melanie was born in Zimbabwe, and has been a professional astrologer since 1975. She is well-known for her original work with Chiron and the Centaurs, whose themes involve the processes of healing and transformation as signalled by Pluto. Melanie engages with astrology as a means of developing deeper awareness, seeing through obstructions, and cultivating the capacity to live in harmony with the planetary rhythms that support and nourish our lives.