Faculty of Astrological Studies

Consult an Astrologer

Itziar Azkona


Astrologer details

Diploma Year: 2021
Region: Europe
Sub-region: Bizkaia, Spain

+34 657 79 11 62



Chart Interpretation; Forecasting; Personal Relationships; Vocational; Forecasting; Mundane Astrology: Ongoing Work; Telephone or Online Consultations; Recordings sent electronically


Itziar studied Sociology, and Politics and she got a Msc at University of Surrey in Social Research Methods. She is a Diploma Holder with the Faculty and she represents ISAR (The International Society for Astrological Research) as Global Director in Spain. She works as a professional astrologer. She also offers on-demand courses at her school. One of her passions is to contribute to the growth of Astrology, therefore she is one of the editors of Revista Stellium, the main Astrological eMagazine in Spanish: www.revistastellium.com.