I’d been practicing astrology for well over thirty years when I gained my Diploma, since 1986 when I attended my first astrology class. I hold a Doctorate in Western Analytical Philosophy from the University of St Andrews, two Masters (St Andrews & University of Glasgow), and a Bachelor in Fine Art from Chelsea Art College. In the 90s’ I studied at the Centre for Psychological Astrology (CPA), under Liz Greene and Charles Harvey. I’ve had the good fortune to meet some incredible teachers over the years. I have taught at St Andrews and the LSE, written in astrology and published in my academic career. More recently, I qualified as a Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist with Marisa Peer. Ultimately, the greatest satisfaction comes from knowing you can make a difference in someone’s life.
Astrology is a rich symbolic language which, contrary to popular belief, facilitates self-empowerment and the exercise of free will. It allows us to step outside our programme, to hit pause in this virtual reality – or become lucid in our collective dream – and decode it. That mental shift is exactly what allows for greater freedom and conscious choice. We often appear trapped in patterns, repeating the same situations in life, seemingly outside our control. An accurate birth chart reveals how we create our own reality, the blueprint we’re working off of, the software we’re running and holographically projecting on the world. An astrology reading also functions as a live GPS: it says “you are here”, showing you the surrounding area, helping you make sense of where you came from and where you’re going. These simple realisations are often enough to generate a meaningful shift in perspective. Self-knowledge does not happen overnight, of course, and there’s a host of tools to help along that journey, such as meditation and other esoteric and psychological practices. In this context, RTT can be very powerful.
We are all stars in the company of heaven and astrology reminds us of that. I practice via Zoom/ Skype and in person. I love working one to one, as well as looking at relationship dynamics and exploring options for children and young adults. I also enjoy mundane astrology, astrology for fun and maintain an active interest in different astrological branches and traditions.