Module 4 [London]


4 sessions (10am–5pm)
5 October
26 October
16 November
30 November

Essential Books: The set texts for Module 4 are Neil F. Michelsen: The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century (Noon or Midnight) and The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century (Noon or Midnight). Details and ordering information can be found in the Reading List which will be sent to you on enrolment.

Venus details will be sent upon enrolment.
Prior to booking, please read the Conditions of Enrolment.

Availability: In stock

New Student Registration Fee

This fee is payable only once, when you begin studies with the Faculty.

Birth Data

Please enter your birth data in the following boxes.

Please note that an accurate time of birth is needed in order for us to make an accurate chart. A difference of an hour can give rise to some differences in the chart, although it should still be accurate enough for you to work with reasonably well. If you do not know your time of birth at all, we can prepare a chart using noon as the birth time, but a number of factors will not be accurate.

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