21st August (WEDNESDAY) Day Delegate


Two morning lectures. Afternoon workshop. Evening lecture.
Lunch is included.
You can opt to purchase dinner if you would like to join us.
All Day Delegate places are Non-Residential.


Name-tag *

We will prepare a name-tag for you for identification and security purposes. How would you like your name displayed? Please include first and last name.

Wednesday afternoon workshop *

The Dream Interpretation Workshop with Itziar Azkona is now fully booked. You can still attend the ‘Comets and Astrology’ workshop with Rod Chang by clicking the box below. Due to limited numbers on some of the workshops, it is unlikely that, once booked, delegates will be able to change their minds and switch to another workshop at a later date. But if you want to be added to a waiting list for the Dream Workshop, please mark the checkbox in the next question.

Dream Interpretation Workshop Waiting List

Should you wish to be added to the waiting list for ‘Dreams Interpretation: In the Arms of Morpheus’ with Itziar Azkona, in the event that a place becomes available, please tick the box below.

Dietary Requirements *

Please identify your dietary requirements. If you have more specific dietary requirements, please select ‘Other’ and enter details in the “Other Information” box below.

Other Information

Any more specific dietary needs?


Tick the box if you would like to have dinner included.

New Student Registration *

If you are new to the Faculty OR have attended only online seminars or online workshops, an additional one-time £35 registration fee is payable. If you are booking for the weekend course as well, please ensure you only pay one fee of £35.

Please confirm *

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