Summer School 2024

Guest Tutors
Lynn Bell, Rod Chang, Darby Costello, Lindsay Gladstone, Christian König, Matjaž Regovec, Melanie Reinhart, Glòria Roca

Faculty Tutors
Toby Aldren, Itziar Azkona, Marielle Churaqui, Frances Clynes, Cat Cox, Penny de Abreu, Eric Fischmann, Mark Fountain, Stevi Gaydon, Alejo López, Deborah Morgan, Lisa Stockley, Stefano Stracuzzi, Dragana Van de moortel – Ilić

The recent Summer School attracted participants from 34 countries, spanning from Hawaii to New Zealand, demonstrating its effectiveness as a means for our Faculty Family to convene from across the globe.

Weekend Courses
The Faculty’s esteemed and popular Guest Tutor Christian König gave one weekend course entitled ‘Under the Stars: Fixed Stars in Astrology’. The course featured captivating visuals and was characterised by its highly engaging and lively approach.

For the third time, the other weekend course was given in a hybrid form,  which integrated attendees both online and in the classroom in Oxford, in a fully interactive forum. This course was facilitated by our experienced tutors Alejo López and Glòria Roca and its title was ‘Cosmic Timelines: Exploring Secondary Progressions and Planetary Transits’.

Astrology in Action
The 5-day Astrology in Action course comprised three tracks: Symbol, Myth and Story; Astrology and the Changing World and Astrological Techniques.

Track 1 – Symbol, Myth and Story

Stories, alchemy, myths and other kinds of symbolic languages are inseparable parts of astrological narrative. Through the use of active imagination and alternative perspectives on symbolic meanings of planets and signs, participants were able to dive into their own inner cosmos. They explored their own potentials, faced their sacred feminine, and made links between symptoms and their alchemical causes.

Track 2 – Astrology and the Changing World
This track explored current planetary positions and their connections with the mundane. First, delegates could observe their reactions to what happens around them and in their own lives.  After the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in 2020, our world changed, and we are preparing ourselves for the coming Saturn/Neptune conjunction. Participants could share their thoughts about this ongoing process that we are all participants of, and suggest ways that we can all, either individually or collectively, adapt to the changing world.

Track 3 – Astrological Techniques
This track concerned the use of various astrological techniques Ranging rom the aspect patterns and extraction of the main themes from the natal horoscope to the transits and planetary cycles, students could deepen their elemental understanding of chart interpretation. Throughout the week, more refined techniques were presented, such as calculations and interpretations of solar return charts, solar arc directions, astrocartography, and local space astrology. Track 3 ended with practical instructions for the interpretation of relationships through clarifications of special synastry techniques.

The workshops on Sunday and Wednesday were original and fun. Mark Fountain led a fascinating workshop on Asteroids, focusing on Ceres, Pallas-Athene, Vesta and Juno, combining history, mythology, astronomy and astrology with many interesting examples. It was insightful, and delivered with practical materials enabling participants to explore the asteroids in their own charts.

Marielle Churaqui provided a creative workshop on creating our own mandalas, as a mysterious process that rebalances the psyche. This practical workshop resulted in a number of beautiful and original mandalas.

Rod Chang lifted our participants to a world of comets, presenting the Comet C/2023 which is expected to be seen by the naked eye in October 2024.  A dynamic discussion about mundane happenings and personal charts followed the presentation.

The world of dreams attracted the maximum of participants: in a quiet and mystical sphere Itziar Azkona guided them through their imaginary world, helping participants to interpret their own dreams.

Interpretation Modules
An established part of the Summer School program is to offer Interpretation Modules. This is a fun, intense and very rich way of gaining valuable Course Credits towards the Faculty’s coveted Diploma. This year, Module 3‘Natal Chart Interpretation; Putting the pieces together’ – was led by Toby Aldren and Mark Fountain, Module 6 – ‘Intermediate Chart Interpretation’ – by Deborah Morgan and Lisa Stockley and Module 9‘Advanced Chart Interpretation and Astro-Consultancy’ – was given by Stevi Gaydon and Frances Clynes. Students in Modules 6 and 9 had the opportunity to practice live client readings with delegates attending the Astrology in Action tracks.

Evening Talks
Original, creative and captivating evening talks were given from Saturday to Wednesday by Frances Clynes, Andrea Hofman, Lindsay Gladstone, Stefano Stracuzzi and Alejo López. We were fascinated by an Ireland’s Sacred Mountain, Spinning and Weaving by Fairy Tales and learned more about Why (not) kill the Unicorn. New Archetypes that appeared together with trans-Neptunian dwarf planets Haumea and Makemake were explained in depth and we all enjoyed a journey into Astrology in Pop Culture.

Our Gala Dinner evening is always such a highlight, and this year was no exception. The evening began with an uplifting piano concert in the beautiful Chapel performed by Toby Aldren, and the exceptional 3-course dinner, served so beautifully by the experienced catering team, was a joyous occasion. Our president Cat Cox, in her after-dinner speech, expressed her gratitude to all for creating this wonderful event and Lynn Bell, Darby Costello and Matjaž Regovec shared their visions about the time we are living in. Many delegates enjoyed the disco that followed, which rounded off a perfect evening!

Summer School 2025
The Faculty Council look forward to welcoming you to Summer School 2025 which will be held at the impressive venue of Exeter College, Oxford, 15th-22nd August. Please book early in 2025 in order to avoid disappointment!

Prepared by Dragana Vdm-Ilić & Nicola Perry – 4th September 2024

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